Coronavirus News on Saturday: The most important developments regarding Sars-Cov-2 and Covid-19

[ad_1] This article is continually updated. Don’t miss a thing: subscribe to our to know the latest developments and the most important information. Coronavirus Newsletter. Criticism of closed borders is growing 9.20 a.m.: Former EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker harshly criticized border controls in Europe in the Corona crisis. The …

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Study: Corona patients surprisingly often die of emboli

[ad_1] Hamburg study Crown patients surprisingly often die of emboli. Status: 09:26 a.m. The | Reading time: 3 minutes. The upper limit has already been exceeded in these counties. The coronavirus has spread rapidly at the Westfleisch meat factory in Coesfeld in recent days: At least 151 employees are infected. …

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Magician Roy Horn died of Covid-19

[ad_1] Siegfried & Roy’s magician Roy Horn is dead. He died Friday in a Las Vegas hospital of the consequences of Covid-19, spokesman Dave Kirvin told the German Press Agency. Horn was 75 years old. The coach, born in Nordenham near Bremen, and his partner Siegfried Fischbacher were world famous …

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Binnen zwei Tagen: Zweiter Corona-Fall im Weißen Haus

[ad_1] Die Corona-Pandemie macht auch vor dem Weißen Haus in Washington nicht Halt: In nur zwei Tagen gibt es einen zweiten bestätigten Covid-19-Fall. Betroffen ist jetzt auch ein Mitarbeiter von Vizepräsident Mike Pence. Nach einem Mitarbeiter von US-Präsident Donald Trump ist nun auch eine Pressesprecherin aus dem Team von Vizepräsident …

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