“Everyone sees us as leaders”

[ad_1] DThe entire world is looking at the United States and accepting the country as the leader in the crown crisis, says Donald Trump. He spoke with Chancellor Angela Merkel, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and many other heads of state and government, and “everyone, even if some don’t want …

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“Politics is making a big mistake”

[ad_1] Restaurants open. Stores too. And the Bundesliga starts playing again. But strict contact restrictions still apply. Is the loosening order correct? Federal and state governments have powerful relief in the Crown crisis hitting – and therefore in parts of society, Politics and it also triggered scientific misunderstanding. Several countries …

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Heiko Maas warns of a hard Brexit

[ad_1] Heiko Maas has criticized Britain for her Brexit course. He warns of a difficult exit in the midst of the crisis, and has also spoken to the United States. Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned of an increasing risk of a strong Brexit amid the crown crisis. “It is …

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Neue Obergrenze – Wo es immer noch zu viele Neuinfektionen gibt

[ad_1] Bund und Länder sind sich einig: In vielen Landkreisen können die Corona-Maßnahmen gelockert werden – unter der Bedingung, dass die Zahl der Neuansteckungen einen bestimmten Wert nicht überschreitet. Hier sehen Sie täglich, wie die Lage aktuell ist. Viele Deutsche sehnen sich nach einem Ende der wochenlangen Ausnahmeregelungen und Einschränkungen …

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Call to church with conspiracy theory – politics

[ad_1] The conservative Cardinal Müller signs a text message with other clergymen who spread strange theses about Covid-19. He warns of the “creation of a world government that is out of control.” German cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, along with other conservative clerics and intellectuals, signed an “Appeal to the Church …

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RTL / ntv-Trendbarometer: Union legt weiter zu – auf 40 Prozent

[ad_1] In der Corona-Krise können CDU und CSU bei den Umfragewerten weiter punkten. Im aktuellen RTL / ntv-Trendbarometer kommen die Unionsparteien auf 40 Prozent – der höchste Wert seit August 2017. Koalitionspartner SPD dagegen verliert an Zustimmung. Wäre am kommenden Sonntag Bundestagswahl, würden sich 40 Prozent der Bundesbürger für CDU …

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Conspiracy theories in Corona: Thuringia’s interior minister alarmed

[ad_1] More and more conspiracy theories about the coronavirus are circulating on the Internet. Now, the Thuringian Interior Minister Georg Maier has commented: the environment of society in particular is affected. Theories of the coronavirus pandemic conspiracy are growing. More recently, cross-activist Ken Jebsen polarized with a questionable video. Now …

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