Cum-ex affair: Olaf Scholz needs an explanation – economics

[ad_1] Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is finding it increasingly difficult to explain the cum-ex scandal surrounding Hamburg’s private bank MM Warburg. According to information from Süddeutsche Zeitung During his time as the first mayor of the Hanseatic city, the SPD chancellor candidate met with Warburg co-owner Christian Olearius more …

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Wirecard scandal: AfD insists on chairing U-Committee

[ad_1] Even before Wirecard’s commission of inquiry begins, a dispute looms over the president. According to parliamentary tradition, it belongs to the AfD. But all other parties are uncomfortable with this. The AfD does not want to leave the chairmanship of the planned Wirecard research committee to another parliamentary group. …

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North Rhine-Westphalia: five dead children found in Solingen

[ad_1] In Solingen, a mother is said to have killed five of her children. The bodies were discovered in her apartment in the Hasseldelle district. The mother was arrested after attempting suicide at Düsseldorf Central Station. As confirmed by the police, the 27-year-old is suspected of killing her children in …

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US Federal Court Confirms Snowden: NSA Surveillance Was Illegal

[ad_1] For the American whistleblower Snowden it is a rehabilitation: a US federal court has now confirmed that the secret NSA surveillance he revealed was illegal. The court accused the heads of the US secret services of lying. The US secret service NSA’s telephone surveillance program discovered by whistleblower Edward …

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Trump urges his supporters to vote twice

[ad_1] Donald Trump urges his supporters in North Carolina to vote twice in the US elections. You want to test the voting system with him. The problem: the request is illegal. US President Donald Trump has encouraged the people of North Carolina to vote twice, once by mail and once …

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Solingen: the mother is said to have killed five children

[ad_1] Police operation Solingen: the mother is said to have killed five children The children were discovered in an apartment in a multi-family housing estate in northeast Solingen. © Gianni Gattus / DPA Apparently a cruel act took place in Solingen: a mother is said to have killed five of …

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