Washington: Armed Suspect Arrested Near Capitol Hill

[ad_1] A few days before the inauguration of future US President Joe Biden, Capitol police arrested an armed suspect in the capital, Washington. The Virginia state man drove to a police checkpoint not far from the United States Capitol on Friday night, according to a police report that is available …

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ARD interview: Laschet is covered in question K

[ad_1] Who is campaigning for the Union as a candidate for chancellor? According to the new leader of the CDU, Laschet, this question does not arise at this time. On the ARD broadcast Show your colors He also commented on the lower candidate Merz. The new president of the CDU, …

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Virtual Party Congress: Laschet elected as new CDU leader

[ad_1] Armin Laschet becomes the new president of the CDU. The NRW Prime Minister emerged victorious in the second round of the elections against Friedrich Merz. The choice has yet to be formally confirmed. The outgoing CDU leader welcomed the “fair competition.” Armin Laschet was elected as the new leader …

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Donald Trump: What will become of him and the Republicans?

[ad_1] No, not all Americans condemn the storm on Capitol Hill. Many supporters of Donald Trump are proud of the fact. Before the US elections, Alexandra Rojkov, editor of SPIEGEL in the foreign affairs department, contacted a group of Republican voters who still see Donald Trump as a savior. After …

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