Sondermann-Brot is bankrupt, these branches remain

[ad_1] The crisis in the crown is also affecting bakeries. Such as the Sondermann-Brot chain in North Rhine-Westphalia. The company has closed many stores and plans to continue with fewer than 50 branches. The traditional bakery chain Sondermann Brot in North Rhine-Westphalia has closed about half of its branches. Another …

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You have already obtained your first victory

[ad_1] The four-time world champion will move to the British racing team in 2021. With this, Sebastian Vettel suddenly reversed the balance of power in the conflict with Ferrari: the move is his great triumph. A comment. A financially strong racing team that wants to attack directly and a four-time …

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Merkel and Macron demand the admission of 400 minors

[ad_1] After the devastating fire in the Moria refugee camp, Berlin and Paris agreed on a common solution: 400 minors should be admitted to the European Union. Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron want to take in 400 unaccompanied minors together with other EU countries after the great …

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“I trusted him and now he’s dead”

[ad_1] A storm of rage against Donald Trump rages online because the president of the United States knew about corona risk early on and deliberately downplayed it. On Twitter, users express their pain and anger in very personal stories. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, deliberately played down …

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The EU issues an ultimatum to Great Britain – DER SPIEGEL

[ad_1] The European Union has asked the British government to withdraw its plans to amend the Brexit treaty. London must withdraw the relevant measures “before the end of the month” at the latest, the EU Commission declared, thus setting an unusually clear tone. The EU “will not back down” from …

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Test alarm failed – that’s why

[ad_1] In reality, all alarms should go off throughout the Federal Republic at exactly 11 a.m. However, most smartphones initially remained silent, despite previously installed warning apps. What went wrong? The nationwide test alarm on Thursday morning reached the Nina and Katwarn warning apps with a long delay. Numerous users …

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Merkel and Macron on Moria: Berlin and Paris accept minors

[ad_1] 400 unaccompanied minors are said to have left Greece after the Moria fire. Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron hope that other EU countries, in addition to Germany and France, will participate in the admission. Some 400 minors from the destroyed Greek refugee camp of Moria will be transferred …

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