Such is the situation in the countries where mutations originate

[ad_1] The Foreign Ministry is pushing for a stricter shutdown, due to concerns about Corona’s mutations. In the video, t-online shows how the situation has developed in the countries where two new virus variants originate. Despite four weeks of harsh lockdown, the number of infections in Germany is barely decreasing. …

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CDU: Spahn apologizes for Laschet promo video

[ad_1] The CDU affirmed its claim to leadership in the post-Merkel era The CDU has emphasized its claim to political leadership for Germany even after the end of the era of Chancellor Angela Merkel. “Our will to rule today and shape tomorrow is unshakable. Right now it is up to …

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Barack Obama’s half sister, Auma, dance with us!

[ad_1] January 16, 2021 – 11:34 pm Watch Auma Obama: “The main thing is fun” Will Barack keep his fingers crossed for her? Her older sister, Auma Obama, will be a part of “Let’s Dance” 2021! What many do not know: The sociologist and Germanist studied and lived in Germany …

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