Pablo Hasél: Spain is on fire after the arrest of a convicted rapper


It was about insulting the monarchy, now there is chaos in parts of Spain.

Thousands of people protested against the arrest of rapper Pablo Hasél in several cities in Spain. At the Tuesday night rallies there were clashes between protesters and police in Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and Girona, among others.

Ein Mann feuert eine Flasche – mutmaßlich in Richtung von PolizeibeamtenPhoto: NACHO DOCE / REUTERS

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A man shoots a bottle, allegedly in the direction of police officers.Photo: NACHO DOCE / REUTERS

Chaos! Fire! Bottle launches!

In the center of the Catalan capital, Barcelona, ​​protesters set garbage containers on fire, according to media estimates around the year 2000. They set up barricades in the streets and stoned officials with stones, bottles and firecrackers and chanted slogans. like “Freedom for Pablo Hasél” or “Death to the Spanish regime.” A young protester was seriously injured in the eye, the newspaper “La Vanguardia” reported.

Eine Spezialeinheit der Polizei von Katalonien verhaftet den Rapper Pablo Hasel in der Universität von LleidaPhoto: Europa Press / dpa

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A special unit of the Catalan Police detains rapper Pablo Hasel at the University of LleidaPhoto: Europa Press / dpa

▶ ︎ On Tuesday morning, police arrested the rapper who had been sentenced to prison for insulting the monarchy and glorifying violence.

Hasél barricaded himself in the university of the Catalan city of Lleida. The 32-year-old, whose real name is Pablo Rivadulla Duró, had voluntarily refused to serve the prison sentence. The police took dozens of students trying to avoid arrest.

So hatten die Studenten versucht, die Festnahme des Rappers zu verhindernPhoto: Joan Mateu / AP

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The students tried to prevent the rapper from being arrestedPhoto: Joan Mateu / AP

Ein Müllcontainer in Valencia steht in FlammenPhoto: Jorge Gil / dpa

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A garbage dump in Valencia catches firePhoto: Jorge Gil / dpa

„Freiheit für Pablo Hasél“, fordern die DemonstrantenPhoto: David Zorrakino / dpa

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“Freedom for Pablo Hasél”, the protesters demandPhoto: David Zorrakino / dpa

A court sentenced the musician, known in Spain for his sometimes radical texts, to nine months for insulting the royal family and glorifying violence in his lyrics.

Hasél called former King Juan Carlos I, who fled to Abu Dhabi after allegations of corruption and in view of judicial investigations, among other things, as a “thief” and built fantasies of violence against conservative politicians in his texts. He himself considers that this is covered by freedom of expression.

Barcelona ist das Epizentrum der KrawallePhoto: NACHO DOCE / REUTERS

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Barcelona is the epicenter of the riotsPhoto: NACHO DOCE / REUTERS

The prison sentence is controversial in Spain. The left-wing government in Madrid wants to change the law so that someone like Hasél can no longer be sentenced to prison. For the rapper, however, this initiative comes too late.
