Over and over again on Sundays: Stefan Mross sad – “We have each other …”


“Again and again on Sundays”: Stefan Mross with a sad admission – “We have …”

The moderator

Moderator “Over and Over on Sundays”, Stefan Mross, suddenly became very sentimental. (Icon Image)

Photo: imago images

It was not a show like any other. As usual, “Every Sunday“Post out. People sing and dance on stage, wave flags and applaud with the audience.

But at the beginning of the season of “Every Sunday“Last Sunday everything was a little different. Without an audience, fewer artists. Quiet moments you don’t normally know. In such a place Stefan Mross Your open feelings.

“Again and again on Sundays” with Stefan Mross begins again

In general, the show lives on the interaction with the public, on the mood that arises in the Europapark. But that is missing today. However, Stefan Mross’s team came up with something not to expose the public: joint games on television. Similarly, the change to home fans.

“Again and again on Sundays”: Stefan Mross with a sad confession

When the moderator announces this, he suddenly becomes very emotional. Her thoughts wander to her mother. “We haven’t seen each other in a long time,” he admits. A meeting in the times of Corona does not seem possible. After all, his mother is over 70 years old.


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Despite the fact that his mother Stephanie plays a very important role in life for him. When he separated from his wife Susanne at the time, he moved back to his mother in Traunstein.

Wedding with Anna-Carina suspended by Corona

The moderator “Again and again on Sundays” Stefan Mross and his fiancé Anna-Carina Woitschak.

Photo: imago images

And, of course, her mother should also be at her side at the wedding with her current fiancé Anna-Carina. On March 3, Stefan Mross and Anna-Carina really wanted to get married in the smallest of circles. But the wedding broke up. The fear of parents becoming infected with the coronavirus was too great.


These are the guests to “Over and over again on Sundays”:

  • Anna-Carina Woitschak
  • Oli Petszokat – Oli P.
  • Heart of fire
  • Claudia jung
  • Andy Borg
  • Uta Bresan
  • Mitch Keller
  • Andre Stade
  • Gaby albrecht
  • etc.


The wedding is now postponed indefinitely. That is, until everyone can celebrate together again in a restaurant, without a face mask.

+++ “Again and again on Sundays”: Stefan Mross very openly – “stood in front of a pile of broken pieces” +++

Until then, Stefan Mross also has a lot to do with his show “Over and over again on Sundays.” Because until August, now he wants to make a crown change every Sunday for two hours with success and good humor.
