Outbreak of war in Europe: conflict intensifies fully – more deaths at night


War in the shadow of Europe: In the conflictive region of Nagorno-Karabakh there are many wounded and dead after new battles. Armenia and Azerbaijan blame each other.

  • Been in it since Sunday Nagorno-Karabakh crisis region again Shootings between the Armenian and Azerbaijani troops.
  • Governments of Yerevan Y Baku have the State of war scream.
  • Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas (SPD) demanded the Parties to conflict to return to diplomacy.

Update September 28 at 10:20 am: It also happened in the region on Monday night. Nagorno-Karabakh again too intense Shootings between the pro-Armenian rebels and the Azerbaijani army. What informs zeit.de with reference to official information. The number of Deaths increased accordingly to 39. As the Armenian Ministry of Defence announced, the opposing side is said to have used heavy equipment and artillery in the morning. the military in Azerbaijan announced that the Armed Forces of Armenia had assigned the town of Terter on the border Nagorno-Karabakh would have fired.

The Central Council of Armenia in Germany, with reference to the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, has the federal government asked “to resolve the recent and highly dangerous conflict Nagorno-Karabakh disable. “For years there have been repeated flares The conflict Between Armenia Y Azerbaijan to the Caucasus Nagorno-Karabakh region. The area belongs to the national territory of Azerbaijan according to international law, but it is inhabited mainly by Armenians.

In terms of international law, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict region is located on the territory of Azerbaijan, but is predominantly inhabited by Armenians.

© Graphics: Ben Bolte / dpa

Outbreak of war in Nagorno-Karabakh: Foreign Minister Maas calls for a return to diplomacy

The conflict around Nagorno-Karabakh It flared up again after a long period of rest Sunday with shootings between the two sides. Governments of Yerevan Y Baku accused the other party that the assaults it proceeded from her and declared a state of war. Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas (SPD) called on governments to return to diplomacy. “I call on both parties to the conflict to immediately stop all fighting and, in particular, the bombing of towns and cities.”

Outbreak of war in the shadow of Europe: conflict escalates: Russia and Turkey on different sides

Original message of September 27, 2020:

Baku / Eriwan – Armenia after fighting with neighboring Azerbaijan in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict region State of war scream. This was announced by Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Yerevan on Sunday. Azerbaijan had previously announced a military operation against Nagorno-Karabakh. He is said to have suffered numerous injuries and around ten dead among the soldiers in the South Caucasus area. It is the worst escalation in decades.

Nagorno-Karabakh: intense fighting in the capital Stepanakert

According to both sides, intense fighting broke out between neighboring warring countries on Sunday morning. the Capital Stepanakert The Nagorno-Karabakh authorities announced that the fire had been fired upon and that the people had to get to safety. Numerous houses in towns were destroyed. According to reports from Baku and Yerevan, the fighting continued.

Both sides blamed each other for battles. The shelling started early in the morning from the Azerbaijani side, Pashinyan wrote on Facebook. “All responsibility for this rests with the political-military leadership of Azerbaijan,” said the spokeswoman for the Armenian Defense Ministry. Yerevan shot down helicopters and combat drones. Three enemy tanks were hit. Baku denied this and emphasized that the fighting was a counter-offensive on the front line. Armenia provoked the fighting.

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has escalated. According to the Ministry of Defense of Armenia, the image shows how Armenian forces destroy an Azerbaijani military vehicle.

© AP / Ministry of Defense of Armenia

Nagorno-Karabakh: Armenia sees Russia as a protecting power, Turkey backs Azerbaijan

the Nagorno-Karabakh region controlled by Armenia It belongs according to international law to the Islamic part of Azerbaijan. Baku lost control of the Christian Armenian-inhabited area of ​​Karabakh in a war that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union. There has been a ceasefire in the region since 1994, but it has been repeatedly broken. The conflict escalated for the last time in 2016. More than 120 people died.

In July there was intense fighting on the border between the republics at war; however, the fighting took place hundreds of kilometers north of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia has Russia as a protective power that has stationed thousands of soldiers and weapons there.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called on both sides to stop the fire immediately. Baku and Yerevan should also start talks to stabilize the situation. Neighboring Turkey accused Armenia of violating international law. The Ankara Foreign Ministry said it strongly condemned the “Armenian attack”. Turkey is on the side of Azerbaijan.

The EU and Foreign Minister Maas demand an immediate end to the fighting

The EU and the Council of Europe have urged Armenia and Azerbaijan to end the fighting immediately. Leader of the EU Council Charles Michel expressed deep concern via Twitter on Sunday. “To avoid further escalation, military action must be stopped urgently.” The only way out is an immediate return to negotiations without preconditions.

“The European Union calls for an immediate end to the fighting, the reduction and strict monitoring of the ceasefire ”, said the EU Foreign Affairs Representative, Josep Borrell. He also called for a return to negotiations.

European council-Secretary General Marija Pejcinovic Buric said that both countries must take responsibility and act with restraint. The fighting must stop immediately. “By joining the Council of Europe, both countries pledged to resolve the conflict by peaceful means, and this obligation must be strictly adhered to.” Pejcinovic Buric called on both parties to do everything in their power to protect human lives.

Germany and France were also deeply concerned about the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh and the reports of civilian casualties. “France demands an immediate end to the fighting and the resumption of dialogue,” the French Foreign Ministry said in Paris. The German Chancellor stressed that the conflict can only be resolved through negotiation Heiko maas In Berlin. The OSCE Minsk Group with its three co-chairs France, Russia and the United States is ready for this. The OSCE is the organization for security and cooperation in Europe. – dpa

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