“Other than blocking, there aren’t many options”


Corona’s situation is not only serious, but very serious – says the mayor of Berlin. Germany simply should not believe that it is the “last refuge of the blessed.” The hope of a vaccine soon is also misleading, according to Michael Müller.

Corona is not only back in force in Berlin, but especially there: on Friday alone, the State Office for Health and Social Affairs reported nearly 900 new infections. This means that currently more than 7,000 people are officially infected with the virus in the capital. The seven-day incidence is now 115, well above the value of 50 above which a region is considered a risk area.

A few days ago, the mayor of the Government, Michael Müller, expressed his concern that some also claim “the last bit of selfishness” and “react with ignorance to the maximum (…)” until all were again affected by the restrictions . Looking at the curve for new infections, he rhetorically asked what was left to discuss and interpret.

Since then, the situation has worsened. So how serious is the situation in Berlin and Germany? Will there be another blockade at the national level? And is there not a little hope because the first vaccines will soon be available?

You can watch the most important excerpts from the interview in the video above, or read them here:

The increasingly difficult situation

How serious is the situation in Berlin?

“The situation is getting more serious and it is literally a matter of life and death and our economy is about survival.”

On a scale of 1 (= completely relaxed) to 10 (= does not get more serious): What number is most likely to arrive?

“That is definitely an 8.” Even if there are still opportunities to act and monitor the measures more closely.

How is the situation in the health authorities?

“In all the major cities, health authorities are reaching their limits. We constantly hire new staff, but we can’t hire that quickly.”

Looking back, was it a mistake that we had such a carefree summer?

“No, because the numbers were really very low. We had few infections, few seriously ill people and deaths. Why shouldn’t we make normalcy possible again? Now we have to be more careful again.”

The impending blockade

There are closings again in the first European countries. What situation will Germany be in a month’s time?

“I hope in a better situation.” But it applies: “We are not the last refuge of the blessed here. What can happen in our European neighbors can also happen to us. We are not better or worse than others, but we can be faster: with measures, with implementation and execution to cope with the great dynamics of the infection. But there is no absolute security “.

What options, besides blocking, are there for politics?

Things are going very well in those areas where there are ordered procedures: “There is no great contagion dynamic when you go to the theater or the gym. The real problem is still the private contacts.” There were restrictions, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to control them. “There are not many options beyond lockdown.” The decisive factor, however, is how health facilities can deal with the situation, that is, whether the capacities of specialized staff and intensive care beds are sufficient. “If we realize that we are entering an area that no longer works, we have to intervene more decisively.”

Are there regional closings or again at the national level?

There had to be an agreement at the national level again: “You cannot isolate a federal state and say that there is a blockade there.”

Can we financially afford extensive stagnation in life?

“What would be the reverse conclusion? Because I cannot afford something financially, do I let people die? I don’t think the question arises that way. Instead, human life is in the foreground. Of course, it would be painful. if we made more cuts in economic life had. “

The false hope of a vaccine

Can we be glad that vaccines are approved earlier than expected?

Even if a vaccine is available very quickly, it will still take a million times before it can be given. Therefore: “We cannot sit back and say: everything will be fine, in a few weeks we will have a vaccine. It will be months before everyone can benefit from it.”

The growing criticism of politics

Citizens increasingly criticize crisis management. As head of government, what does the citizenry have to complain about?

“I do not share the opinion that citizens are increasingly critical. Rather, the experience simply makes you more critical and questions whether the path is the right one.” However, there is a high level of acceptance because between 70 and 80 percent of citizens said that the measures were fine or could even be more stringent.

At the same time, it applies: “Politics also reaches its limits. We cannot and do not want to put a police officer in front of every front door. We cannot and do not want to enter all restaurants with the regulatory office every night. That it means: everyone is asked to behave independently. Everyone has to be aware of what they will do if they put themselves in danger and meet their grandmother the day after tomorrow. Politicians can only appeal and set a framework. ”
