Origin of the crown in Wuhan / China? Chinese virologist escaped with a spectacular thesis


The coronavirus has yet to be fully investigated. It probably originated from Wuhan, China. A researcher is now making an explosive thesis.

  • In the Chinese metropolis Wuhan there were the first officers Corona cases.
  • the Coronavirus it probably developed from there to a global one pandemic.
  • A Virologin now claims that origin the virus is not natural.

Munich – that Coronavirus* For months it has been not only news, but also the daily lives of people around the world. Due to the outbreak of Corona-Pandemie* there were numerous impediments.

The virus probably originated in the Wuhan chinese metropolis. The first occurred there in December 2019. Corona cases in. The first infected people likely passed the coronavirus, which is known to spread from person to person, to their caregivers.

It spread from Wuhan Virus worldwide and became a pandemic due to its rapid infection rate, a second wave crown* I could go on. Subsequently, critical voices also increased that China had failed to address the necessary transparency with the corona outbreak in Wuhan.

The american president* Donald Trump * and his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, even expressed the suspicion on several occasions that the virus did not arise naturally but was raised in a Chinese laboratory. Trump and Pompeo have yet to provide any evidence for their daring theory.

Fled Chinese Researcher Says “Coronavirus Comes From Laboratory”

Well one claims Chinese virologist likewise, what The coronavirus is artificially generated state. He investigated in his homeland Dr. Li-Meng Yan of the virus, then fled to the United States. Fearing the consequences, Li is currently hiding in a secret location. For the first time since her escape, she sought out audiences on a British talk show.

At the television station itv The virologist of the “Loose Woman” program said that she had scientific evidence that the coronavirus was artificially produced in a laboratory.

“Is coming from the laboratory in Wuhanand this is controlled by the Chinese government, ”Yan said. “The virus certainly does not come from nature.” The scientist also said that it was already extreme on the part of the authorities during her stay in Hong Kong. put under pressure become.

Virologist from China: Escape Following Alleged State Threats

He was strongly advised to “be quiet and be careful.” Otherwise, he could “get into trouble and disappear,” Yang said. The experiences described led Dr. Yan to realize that she was no longer safe in her homeland and that she had to flee. Because the Chinese know “how China treats whistleblowers,” she justified her decision.

However, Yan was unable to provide evidence for what he said on the television show. It also did not provide evidence of the artificial origin of the corona virus. (kh) * Merkur.de is part of the national publishing network Ippen-Digital

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Rubriklistenbild: © Screenshot / ITV / Loose Women
