Opening plan in five steps: relaxation at Easter?


Even before the end of At the federal-state summit, more flexibility plans are known. A crown emergency brake is also being discussed. An overview of possible solutions.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the prime ministers of the federal states are currently discussing how to proceed in the Corona crisis. After three months of lockdown in Germany, the signs point to a relaxation, although the incidence and R-values ​​are increasing again. A fierce tug of war is expected over future strategy.

In the evening, the federal and state governments temporarily interrupted deliberations to pause for reflection. The background to this is a dispute over the opening of retail. Some prime ministers want to open up the retail sector even faster than the draft envisaged. Merkel then proposed changing the orientation towards incidence 35 in favor of a value of 50 if the federal states give up the preference. Apparently a compromise is now found in a smaller group.

An updated draft, which is available for t-online, arrived on Wednesday morning from the so-called “group of four”, consisting of the Chancellery, Vice Chancellor Scholz and the states of Berlin and Bavaria. Define an opening plan in five steps, each of which is linked to limit values ​​for the 7-day incident. A later updated draft (2 pm) also establishes that flexibility should not be based on national advocacy, but on that of a federal state or region.

At this point, we will provide you with the current status.

These points are said to have already been decided:

  • Enclosure extension: According to negotiating circles, the federal and state governments agreed to extend the shutdown until March 28.. According to the draft resolution on Wednesday afternoon, there should be numerous options for gradual opening.
  • General practitioners must vaccinate from April on: GPs will be included in the vaccination strategy at the end of March, but will only be vaccinated in April, when enough vaccine is available. Read more about it here.
  • No formal proof requirement for economics: In discussions it was agreed that companies offer their employees present at the workplace at least one free quick test per week as a “contribution to society as a whole”.
  • Change in vaccination strategy: The time between the first and second vaccination must be exhausted, report ntv and RTL. Therefore, countries should no longer withhold the second dose of vaccination.
  • Contact restrictions are relaxed: Beginning March 8, meetings between your own home and another home should be allowed again, limited to five participants, not including children up to 14 years of age. And: couples who do not live together should be considered as one household in the future.

These points are considered safe:

  • Bookstores, florists, and garden centers are said to be second step of the opening plan in the whole of Germany again a maximum of one customer per ten square meters “for the first 800 square meters of sales area”. Also, there can be one customer for every 20 square meters. You have to adhere to the concepts of hygiene. Driving schools and body hugging service companies should also be allowed to open.
  • This must be accompanied by a strong expansion of vaccination campaign and testing capabilities. We want to “prove” whether through the significant expansion of tests in relation to better traceability of contacts in the event of an infection, the opening steps would be possible even with higher incidences of seven days with more than 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants. , according to the draft continue.
  • Everyone should have one or two free quick tests offered per week. According to an updated version (as of 2 pm), only self-assessments are planned for schoolchildren.
  • In March, however, rapid tests could still be in short supply: In federal-state consultations, it is estimated that the need for rapid tests in a comprehensive testing strategy is greater than in the plans of the Ministry of Health, according to the groups of participants. There will probably be a working group that will handle the order. According to RTL and ntv, Health Minister Spahn has not yet placed any orders.

This is what is being debated:

  • There is a “stalled” discussion on retail openings: Some prime ministers want to be able to open stores earlier than envisaged in the step-by-step plan of the draft resolution. Merkel is reported to have expressed her willingness to allow the easing of trade from an incidence of 50, previously she had asked for a value of 35. On the federal side, however, it was not possible to reach an agreement, so it was said that there had been a pause for reflection. A compromise must be found in a smaller group.
  • There was another on tuesday Special rule for the Easter holidays In the draft: “Meetings with four people outside their own home plus children up to the age of 14. should be allowed.” This passage was removed in the draft resolution on Wednesday morning.
  • An updated draft resolution from the federal-state task force provides exact specifications for a Emergency braking mechanism revert to stricter contact restrictions if the number of infections increases. The emergency brake should be pulled if the seven-day incidence increases to more than 100 for three consecutive days, the draft says. Then the previously valid contact restrictions should take effect “from the second following business day.” This would limit the possibility of private gatherings to one’s home and to another person.
  • When third opening step Other parts of retail, museums, zoos, and sports are named in small groups of up to ten people. This step should be done as soon as the seven-day incidence is “stable below 35.” However, this value is controversial among prime ministers. Therefore, the draft also foresees a plan B: visiting museums or retail stores could only be possible with an appointment, for example, but with a higher incidence of less than 100.
  • Only when fourth opening step Then it will open the Outdoor catering as well as Cultural institutions called as theaters and cinemas. Stay in Apartments, Holiday homes and apartment buildings with their own sanitary facilities should be possible again, and retail trade reopen under certain conditions. The last point was initially provided in step five. According to the updated draft resolution, in certain circumstances, these steps are already possible from a “stable or descending” seven-day incidence of less than 100. According to the communication, the prerequisite for more far-reaching flexibility is as follows : After the opening step above, the figures are stable below 35 for 14 days. Based on information from trading circles, this is considered controversial.
  • A newly added fifth stage in the Opening plan provides Leisure events allow up to 50 people outdoors and allow contact sports also indoors. The prerequisite is an incidence of less than 35. If it is less than 100, it is likely that indoor non-contact sports and outdoor contact sports will be played without a test.
  • In areas with particularly low numbers, you should greater flexibility of contact restrictions be possible. It is not yet clear which incidence values ​​should serve as the basis for this.

    (Source: t-online) (Source: t-online)

According to the draft, the Chancellor and Prime Ministers should meet again on March 22. Then a decision must be made about initial steps that have yet to be determined, such as events.
