OnePlus 8 or OnePlus 8 Pro? The 3 main differences


OnePlus has many of the same components in its two OnePlus 8 series models. In short, the processor, the housing material, the antenna technology, the software, the memory versions and the front camera are the same or almost identical. So why should you enjoy the more expensive OnePlus 8 Pro? Here are three differences to consider when making your decision.

Two slightly smoother features right up front: The bottom line of OnePlus smartphones in terms of new purchase prices is more stable than most of the competition. So there are little differences here. This is also due to the good supply of updates for the Chinese. As a general rule, it applies to the weakly equipped device of the smartphone pair, as well as the respective Pro model. Consequently, the upgrade supply is not a real reason to buy for or against one of the models.

Top 1: The OnePlus 8 team

Two innovations were the excitement when introducing the OnePlus 8: OnePlus finally found it necessary to introduce IP certification and offer wireless charging. What has been standard for many manufacturers for years has now been ported to OnePlus. This closes a gap in the range of equipment that has long been between OnePlus and manufacturers like Huawei and Samsung. The problem is that OnePlus has only closed this gap in the Pro model. The normal OnePlus 8 is left out.

Anyone who has reported these properties, which many users have dismissed as cheats, can clearly use OnePlus 8 here. Those who have always had sweat on their forehead because they were in the rain with a OnePlus smartphone would prefer to go for the Pro model. Speaking of which: the highlight of the 5G team is included with both smartphones.

Top 2: the OnePlus 8 camera

The OnePlus 8 Pro is also better with the camera. Here the difference with the real high-end models of the competition is clearer than in the equipment. The data sheet of the regular OnePlus 8 is more reminiscent of a good mid-range smartphone. The OnePlus 8 Pro, on the other hand, is configured with a real telephoto camera instead of the high-class area.

You can choose the triple camera that includes a rather shy macro function or simply the professional model with a quad camera with three real focal lengths and an additional support sensor. A clear difference that must be carefully considered in the purchase decision. Those who value their Instagram account and their selfies the most can forget this section for sure, because the front camera is the same on both models.

Top 3: the OnePlus 8 screen

In theory, the screens of the two OnePlus 8 series models are miles away. But this is exactly where there is real risk when evaluating for or against one of the models. Yes, in short, the OnePlus 8 Pro’s screen is a grenade. 120 Hz and over 500 ppi pixel density with wonderful AMOLED colors. They glow vigorously and animations flow only on the screen and into the viewer’s eye. But all this is barely noticeable in everyday life.

In contrast, the OnePlus 8 offers 90 Hz. A strong value that is also one of the very best on the market. Also, an AMOLED Full HD panel. With the resolution, Huawei has reached Apple and Samsung. And with this resolution, the standard model manages the 400 ppi mark. Well above the limit of the visible area.

This difference is theoretically stronger, but in practice the weaker of the two models. With a trained eye and a second device as a reference, almost no user will walk and bother in everyday life that one of their devices has a somewhat weaker screen. So here it applies: Only show gourmets should see a real reason to shop here.

Conclusion: this model fits you well

OnePlus offers two smartphones at prices of 700 to 1,000 euros. So which one should you choose? If your main criteria is future security, storage space, speed, front camera, design or software, it doesn’t matter which of the two smartphones you buy. After all, all of these properties are equally well mastered by the two models of the OnePlus 8.

However, the situation is different with the three main differences that we have shown you. Here you have to weigh. Our recommendation is to think about the three differences with “I need” and “I don’t need”. If you need two of the three, take another look at the price of the professional model. Are you two really worth up to 300 euros? If so then choose the larger Pro model. If not, we recommend the normal model with a large storage capacity. Because 12 GB of RAM and 256 GB of main memory are sometimes a strong ace to calm your conscience by spending 800 euros on a smartphone.

The alternatives: smartphones don’t have to be expensive

Alternatives to the two new OnePlus flagships are practically on the way. The selection is huge and, by the way, very good models are already available for less than 500 euros. Therefore, we recommend that you always take a look at the class of less than 500 euros:
