On the model of the Tübingen crown: Palmer receives death threats


By the Tübingen Corona model
Palmer receives death threats

The opening plans of several countries are controversial in view of the growing number of corona. Boris Palmer apparently receives much more than criticism for the Tübingen model project: the mayor also receives death threats. This also has to do with Chancellor Merkel’s statements on the Tübingen model.

The Lord Mayor of Tübingen, Boris Palmer of the Greens, sees his Corona model project criticized massively. He received death threats for that. “The model project has been under great pressure since today,” Palmer said in an online discussion with scientists in Tübingen. Many wanted the project to fail. There are already a three-digit number of processes before the Public Ministry for death threats against him.

In particular, statements made by Chancellor Angela Merkel last Sunday were understood to mean that the CDU politician had also questioned the Tübingen model, Palmer said. In the ARD program “Anne Will”, the chancellor criticized the opening of the steps and indicated that the federal government could take action if the states did not act.

Currently, several countries want to start model projects with flexibility. Regarding the Tübingen model, Palmer said at the same time that there is currently an increase in the number of cases. Regardless of the increase in incidence, the mayor of Tübingen wants to stick to his opening strategy. “We want to know if we can better control the pandemic with our test strategy than other regions with closures,” Palmer told a series of lectures at the University of Tübingen.

Palmer told the “Stuttgarter Nachrichten” and the “Stuttgarter Zeitung” that the seven-day incidence in Tübingen had risen to 66.7 by Sunday. Last Thursday, according to the city, the value was still 35 and would have nearly doubled in a few days. He doesn’t worry, Palmer told the newspapers. The increase is more likely not due to shopping or theater. Problematic are those who celebrated in the city at night. But it is always possible to pull the cord. “This is an open-ended experiment,” Palmer said.
