The mandatory tests for all flights returning to Germany should take effect on Friday.
Anyone traveling to Germany by plane should first have to take a corona test. The new regulation should apply from Friday. Bookings for the Portuguese Algarve have also increased recently.
FFor all travelers who wish to enter Germany by plane, a corona test must be applied on the Friday before departure. Those affected would have to “provide evidence to the carrier before going abroad,” according to the corresponding draft ordinance of the federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn (CDU).
However, departments are still coordinating the draft. First, the “Bild” reported about it.
Therefore, the federal government is giving up the designation of individual vacation regions or countries, but is introducing a general test obligation for all air travelers heading to Germany for the first time. So far, only those arriving from designated risk areas have been required to participate in quarantine and corona tests.
This would mean that a test would also apply to German tourists in Mallorca, for example. Last summer, holiday travelers increasingly introduced the virus to Germany.
Increase in reservations in Mallorca
The federal government announced yesterday that it was examining whether trips to popular overseas vacation areas could be temporarily avoided due to the corona pandemic.
However, there are significant constitutional obstacles to this, as the federal government admits. The background to this is the temporary booking boom for Mallorca after the Germans’ favorite island was removed from the corona risk areas list. This means that there is actually no quarantine or mandatory testing when returning to Germany.
Following the lifting of the travel advisory for the Portuguese tourist region of the Algarve, growing tourist bookings from Germany are also being recorded there. Exact figures are not yet available, the president of the region’s tourism association in the south of the country, João Fernandes, told the German press agency on Thursday. Soon there should also be additional flight connections from various German cities to Portugal.
The same restrictions apply to tourists as to local residents. There is no night curfew. All restaurants, cafes and bars should be able to gradually reopen from the beginning of April. However, it is not allowed to travel around the country on weekends or during Easter. In closed rooms in public, a mask is required, outdoors if the safety distance of two meters cannot be maintained.