Oleg Sokolov (64): Twelve and a half years in the prison camp for Professor Stückel – News abroad


Saint Petersburg (Russia) – The indictment looks like something out of a Netflix thriller, but the case that was heard in a St. Petersburg court on Friday is a bloody reality!

Russian history professor Oleg Sokolov (64) has been sentenced to twelve and a half years in a camp for the murder of his girlfriend († 24) and illegal possession of weapons. This was decided by a St. Petersburg court on Friday.

Victim Anastasia Jeschtschenko (24) used to be a student in Sokolov

The victim Anastasia Yeshchenko († 24) was a former student of Sokolov

Sokolov was arrested while intoxicated in November 2019 while attempting to sink body parts into the Moika River in St. Petersburg.

Police removed the renowned ice water historian and discovered a woman’s severed arms in her backpack. Officers found a bloodstained saw and the decapitated body of his former student Anastasia Yeschtschenko in Sokolov’s apartment. Sokolov had lived with the 24-year-old and wrote several books.

Sokolov war bekannt für seine Auftritte im Napoleon-KostümPhoto: AP

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/photos/sokolov-war-bekannt-fuer-seine-auftritte-im-napoleon-kostuem-76bd3087086c4d1dac9a9fecd768fa93-74621074/Bild/7.bild.jpg ” />

Sokolov was known for his appearances in Napoleon costumePhoto: AP

▶ ︎ Sokolow is the author of several works on Napoleon Bonaparte. He was featured as a history expert in various documentaries, also taught at the renowned French Sorbonne and is a member of the French Legion of Honor.

The historian was also a member of the French Institute of Social Sciences, Economics and Politics (Issep), which was founded by Marion Maréchal, niece of the French right-wing populist Marine Le Pen. The institute said Saturday that Sokolov had been removed from his position on the scientific committee due to the bloody act.

The students described the scholar, who liked to show himself to his lover in historical costumes, as a talented lecturer, but also as a “monster” and eccentric.

Sokolov legte direkt nach der Tat ein Geständnis abPhoto: AP

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/sokolov-legte-direkt-nach-der-tat-ein-gestaendnis-ab-1bc6c2381c9643118c95457d2b97452d-74621076/Bild/7.bild.jpg ” />

Sokolov made a confession right after the crime.Photo: AP

Sokolov had pleaded guilty and repented. His attorney said Friday that after the written verdict is published, he would make a decision on an appeal.

Prosecutors had asked for 15 years in prison for murder and illegal possession of weapons.
