Olaf Scholz wants higher taxes for the wealthy


The crown crisis costs Germany billions. Olaf Scholz partially finances this with tax revenues. The finance minister insists on tax increases for wealthy citizens.

In view of the billions in charge of the Corona crisis, Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) insists on higher taxes for particularly wealthy citizens. Citizens who “earn a lot, a lot should make a slightly larger contribution,” Scholz told Berlin’s “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag”. “That remains our goal and it will certainly be on our next electoral program.”

The Vice Chancellor referred to the 2017 electoral program, in which the SPD had demanded a maximum tax rate of 45 percent and the introduction of an estate tax. This three percent tax on the maximum tax rate must be paid with a taxable income for single people of 250,000 euros.

“Fair and equitable tax system

When asked if this should be a kind of “crown alone”, Scholz said in the “Tagesspiegel am Sonntag”: “It is a fair and equitable tax system.” This also includes “that we prevent people from finding ways to avoid taxes entirely.”

Therefore, it is striving for something like a global minimum taxation to be agreed at the international level. He thinks the ideas are absurd, “of all those who earn several hundred thousand euros a year to promise tax cuts now,” Scholz said.

The deputy head of the left-wing parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Fabio De Masi, welcomed the request in principle. “We need both relief for small and medium incomes and a wealth rate for billionaires and billionaires,” he said in Berlin. The maximum tax rate should “go into effect later than today, but should be raised.”

“The deciding factor is not what is on the SPD election posters, but what is in the law gazette,” said De Masi. “Therefore, the SPD should clearly state with whom it wants to implement an equitable burden sharing in Germany; I cannot think of many troops other than the left.”
