Olaf Scholz: SPD chancellor candidate wants higher taxes for those who earn more


Germany SPD Chancellor Candidate

Scholz wants higher taxes for those who earn more

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SPD chancellor candidate Scholz plans higher taxes for the wealthy

The crown pandemic caused the collapse of budget revenues in Germany. SPD chancellor candidate Scholz already has an idea to increase state revenue in the event of an electoral victory.

If the SPD appoints the chancellor after the federal elections, Olaf Scholz plans to raise taxes for the highest earners: “We need a tax system that is more performance-based.” Those who earn more should not be saved and thus incur additional debt.

SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz has announced tax increases for people with higher incomes in the event of an election victory. “In view of the many tasks that the state is now taking on, it should be clear that people who earn a few hundred thousand euros can make a greater contribution to the financing of the community in the future,” said the finance minister, Scholz from the “Rheinische Post”. “We need a tax system that is more based on performance.” A pragmatic policy does not mean that the highest earners are saved and therefore incur additional debt.

Coalition partner Union criticized the move, the left does not go far enough. The vice chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Carsten Linnemann, told the publishing network in Germany that tax increases are now the least necessary. “Artisans and medium-sized companies are happy when they survive Corona. If we now threaten higher taxes than would be expected at the end of the crown tunnel, it would be absolutely counterproductive, “said the president of the Union Business and SME Association. The CDU politician also sees the need for a reform: Germany really needs real tax reform to ease the burden on small and middle income.

The leader of the left-wing parliamentary group, Dietmar Bartsch, welcomed the finance minister’s announcement in principle. “However, this is not enough to finance the crisis,” he said. “Corona costs billions, so we need a historical equalization of charges, since the Basic Law provides for such a situation. We have to take advantage of the assets and inheritances of billionaires and billionaires. ” Many had become even richer during the crisis, but many also wanted to pay higher taxes. “If we don’t do this, Olaf Scholz will have to present the crown bill to the common man.”

Scholz also said he wanted to go back to meeting the debt brake starting in 2022. “Of course, our perspective should be that starting in 2022 we will re-establish budgets that meet constitutional requirements for normal times.” Scholz justified the suspension of the debt brake in the next year: Support the economic measures, destroy them again by stepping on the brake suddenly. We need reserves of strength for longer. “

Thanks to numerous government measures, there are signs that the economy is recovering. “We can now assume that our swift government action will result in better economic development than we feared. There are many signs that we have managed to stabilize the economy. “

Walter-Borjans demands close collaboration from Scholz

SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans has asked chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz to work closely with him. “He has to reach the voters and at the same time take the party with him. That can only be successful in an honest alliance with the party presidents, who have been elected by the members, “he told the newspapers of the Funke media group. “We do not need a candidate for chancellor who says: now I am going to explain what social democracy is. The party makes the program with the candidate ”. He has no doubt that he will succeed with Olaf Scholz.

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The party presidents assured that “the profile in the SPD was honed without the GroKo scissors in mind, and Olaf Scholz brings his experience of reliable implementation in the practical action of the government.” Unlike former chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück, Scholz is deeply rooted in the SPD. “Unlike Peer Steinbrück, Olaf Scholz would definitely not do a cabaret show at the SPD.”

Walter-Borjans was open to exploratory talks with “all democratic competitors” after the next federal elections. “Of course, I would also speak to the left, knowing full well that there are positions there that would not fit into a common intersection.” I would also speak to the FDP. However, the times when the FDP was a liberal social party are over. A grand coalition after the next federal elections, on the other hand, “is not good for the SPD or for our country.”

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