Nursing home in Berlin-Lichtenberg: twelve dead and 44 infected in corona outbreak – Berlin


According to a spokeswoman for the operating company Kursana, twelve residents died in the corona outbreak at a Lichtenberg nursing home. Eleven of them died in hospital, where they were referred with symptoms. A source from the Tagesspiegel even speaks of “between ten and 20 dead.”

According to information from Tagesspiegel, the first confirmed corona case had already occurred on October 8. Almost four weeks later, the test results were available for the entire facility. As announced by a Kursana spokeswoman, currently 27 patients and 17 employees test positive for Covid-19.

According to information from Tagesspiegel, the home administration resisted a partial evacuation, the Lichtenberg district office was on site with lawyers. In addition, it is said that the key of care has not been observed at home. The Dussmann service group, to which the Lichtenberg facility belongs, initially declined to comment on these allegations or answer questions.

According to an ER doctor present at the home the week before, the residents were not properly equipped with protective FFP-II masks, and members of the Bundeswehr are said to have been at the scene, presumably in the course of administrative assistance for the department of Health.

The responsible medical officer determined a “subacute nursing emergency” for the home, as a spokesman for the Lichtenberg district office said. “Subacute” means a level less than acute and threatening. Adequate care for residents is not guaranteed in current circumstances, especially since many nurses are infected and absent.

Phone change on Saturday afternoon

On the occasion of the case, there should be a telephone switch between the heads of the Senate Health Department and the Lichtenberg District Office on Saturday afternoon. A spokesman for Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) spoke of “dire news” that would leave “shocked” over the reports from the Lichtenberg nursing home. Over the course of the change, an oral report from the district leadership on what is happening at the site is expected, he said.

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Looking at the available facts about the outbreak in the Lichtenberg nursing home, one expert said that information about the infection process at home may not have been passed on by the operator, and therefore the case escalated. There was talk of a “cloaking mechanism” within the carrier.

The outbreak was known on Friday. According to the district office, the medical officer decided to evacuate parts. For those affected, so far 46 locations have been found in other facilities, he said. These include hospitals, but also emergency rooms for care.

[Behalten Sie den Überblick: Corona in Ihrem Kiez. In unseren Tagesspiegel-Bezirksnewslettern berichten wir über die Krise und die Auswirkungen auf Ihren Bezirk. Kostenlos und kompakt:]

On Friday, 16 people were initially transferred to other facilities or to the hospital. According to information from Tagesspiegel, many of them are over 90 years old and their condition is sometimes very bad. Other residents were isolated in the building. More relocations are possible on Saturday, he said.

Infections at the district office

Inquiries about the nursing home in the district showed that the district office is also affected by infection. According to information from Tagesspiegel, the spokesman for the district office, Prokop Bowtromiuk, tested positive for Corona, but is said to have been in town hall on Friday.

“I isolated myself and put my computer in front of her to keep the press office running,” Bowtromiuk told Tagesspiegel on Saturday without confirming a possible infection. He had no contact with other district office employees on Friday.

BVV canceled last Thursday

Last Thursday’s district assembly had already been canceled, Bowtromiuk confirmed. “The council of elders and the chief have agreed on this due to the dynamic nature of the infection.” He did not give any number.

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According to information from Tagesspiegel, all employees at the district office had to be tested for the virus after City Councilor Martin Schaefer (CDU) apparently also tested positive on a rapid test.

Apparently it tested positive in the press spokesman and the city council.

Schaefer is actually a councilor for schools, sports, public order, environment and traffic, but has been representing ailing health councilor Katrin Framke (left, independent) for a long time.

Schaefer is currently in quarantine. A request from Tagesspiegel initially went unanswered, Schaefer referred to press spokesman Bowtromiuk, who declined to comment on individual infected people for data protection reasons.

Patient advocate Brysch criticizes policy flaws

Eugen Brysch, a board member of the Foundation for Patient Protection, criticized the fact that the policy leaves people in need and their caregivers alone in their homes. “There are also nurses and medical professionals who bring the virus into the facility through the back door,” Brysch told Tagesspiegel. Daily rapid tests before the start of each shift would be an effective means of quickly distinguishing between infected and uninfected people, he said. But these rapid tests are hardly available, this is also due to the fact that Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) only has 20 tests per month per resident for all employees, visitors and people in need of care, according to Brysch.

Paramedics push a stretcher in a nursing home in Lichtenberg.Photo: Jörg Carstensen / dpa

A separation of those affected between infected, uninfected and the “currently unknown” status is just as important in the course of infection protection and contact documentation, he explained. If the virus were still in the home, mobile task forces would have to help with maintenance. “All this is known now in the ninth month of the pandemic. It is difficult to forgive the federal and state governments that there is very little available locally, ”criticized Brysch. It is the task of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the heads of government of the countries to quickly change something in their deliberations on Monday.

“Anyone who believed that spring scenes in geriatric care would not repeat themselves would be vastly mistaken,” said the board of the Foundation for Patient Protection. Large numbers of infections inevitably led to serious infections and death rates among people in need of care. “But politics continues to deal mainly with the situation in hospitals,” he criticized. Brysch noted that 6,000 people, and therefore half of the Covid 19 deaths, lived in homes. “And there are thousands of people most in need of care who lived at home,” he added. (with dpa)
