Number of names of heads of world doctors: Montgomery: 20,000 infections blocked


How many new infections a day can Germany afford? The world medical president, Montgomery, now appoints a number above which he considers a new blockade necessary.

The president of the World Medical Association, Frank Ulrich Montgomery, considers a lockdown in Germany necessary if the threshold of 20,000 new infections per day is exceeded. With this number “the situation gets out of control”, he told the “Rheinische Post”. “Then it would no longer be possible for the health authorities to trace and interrupt the chains of infection. Then they threaten us with a second blockade, because the virus can no longer be stopped in any other way.”

In the morning, the Robert Koch Institute reported more than 11,000 new infections in Germany for the second time in a row. Consequently, the health authorities registered 11,242 new cases the day before. Montgomery praised the local blockade imposed on the Bavarian district of Berchtesgaden. This is perfect”. Therefore, all places in the country should react “with those incidence values”. In the district, the number of new infections per 100,000 residents rose to more than 250 in seven days.

Montgomery also called for an expansion of the rules for the use of face and nose masks. “A national mask requirement for all schools, for example from the third grade, can help prevent school closures.” Currently, a mask requirement generally only applies to high schools. As for a possible vaccination against the new corona virus, Montgomery told the newspaper that “it was not a panacea.”

It will take “two or three years” before the entire population is vaccinated. Because there are “neither enough doses nor enough personnel” to vaccinate everyone at once. “We have to live and deal with the virus for the next several years: keep our distance, wash our hands, wear masks,” Montgomery concluded. Therefore, there will also be no normal summer holidays in 2021.
