Nuclear waste: the freighter probably no longer arrives at Nordenham today | – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony


Status: 01.11.2020 2:17 pm

It is also unclear when a ship with six Castor containers from Britain will arrive in Nordenham. Today it is no longer expected, according to a spokeswoman for the federal police.

Consequently, the ship, which opponents of nuclear power had already expected to arrive on Saturday, will arrive on Monday at the earliest. When exactly depends on weather conditions, federal police said. Apparently the nuclear freighter can only dock during floods. After Sunday afternoon, the tides would only be favorable for the mooring maneuver again after midnight, as reported by NDR 1 Lower Saxony. For tactical reasons, the police did not provide information on the whereabouts of the ship. According to federal police, officers were already on duty at sea, on land and in the air on Saturday to monitor the transport.


View of a protest banner from opponents of nuclear power.

4 min

They criticize the fact that nuclear waste is being transported even though a final deposit has not yet been found. (31.10.2020) 4 min

Castor train route still open

The train with the white shipping containers is already waiting at the pier. About a day is expected to load the ship’s containers into the containers and for a subsequent radiation measurement, if the weather cooperates and the work of the wind-sensitive cranes does not have to be interrupted. Then transport can begin. Initially driving from Midgard Harbor in Nordenham on a one-way route to Hude. There it is decided whether the train travels via Delmenhorst and Osnabrück to Biblis in Hesse or goes to the destination via Oldenburg and Papenburg. According to the federal police, the two possible rail routes that the Castors will pass through Germany are insured. She protects the port area of ​​the city with a large contingent.

The protest continues

Opponents of nuclear energy demonstrate in Nordenham, accompanied by police officers © dpa Bildfunk Photo: Sina Schuldt

Opponents of Castor transport demonstrated in Nordenham on Saturday. You want to continue accompanying the transport.

In Nordenham, Oldenburg and Göttingen protested opponents of nuclear energy against transport on Saturday. On Sunday morning, the “Stop Castor” alliance declared that it was continuing its protest in Nordenham. In Bremen, the “Robin Wood” organization demonstrated at the main station on Sunday. In addition, according to the police, a vigil of the Bremen alliance “Stop the Castor” has been held on the station esplanade since Saturday. Protests were also announced for Sunday in Göttingen and Münster.

The position of the ship cannot be seen from the outside.

According to information from “Castor stop”, the freighter “Pacific Grebe” left the British port of Barrow-in-Furness on Tuesday night. The “Pacific Grebe” had the position detection system before leaving the port Automatic Identification System (AIS) deactivated. The protest alliance announced that the ship had disappeared from the public radar. Because this is a violation of international maritime law, opponents of nuclear power denounced the owner of the ship. For ships of a certain size, AIS is mandatory in maritime traffic to avoid collisions. Only warships are not covered by these regulations.

More information

Employees use a heavy duty crane to transport a blue wheeled container.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Boris Roessler

Officials would be exposed to an increased risk of infection, he said. (29.10.2020) more

Police union criticizes transport

The Castor transport is particularly controversial this time. Politicians and police had also criticized such transportation as an additional burden during the corona pandemic. The police union (GdP) criticized this Thursday that the agents deployed in the transport were exposed to a greater risk of contagion. In addition, there were no police officers to control measures to protect against infections, said GdP Vice President Jörg Radek.

The federal government refused to postpone

The state of Lower Saxony had previously tried unsuccessfully to work towards a transport postponement by the federal government. The federal government had refused to postpone it in reference to international agreements on the collection of nuclear waste. Germany has a contractual obligation to recover waste produced at local nuclear power plants. However, it is not clear whether the current transport could not have been postponed again. Under current planning, the timetable for the return of nuclear waste from Britain is extended anyway until 2024. By then the Association for Interim Storage (BGZ) expects the return to be completed, according to the Federal Office for Safeguarding. of the Nuclear Waste Management (BASE).

Minister of the Environment: “You cannot leave garbage outside”

Svenja Schulze © BMU / Thomas Trutschel Photo: Thomas Trutschel

Svenja Schulze defended the decision to transport the wheels now despite Corona. (File image)

Federal Minister of the Environment, Svenja Schulze (SPD), reaffirmed that transport could not wait any longer. “We are responsible for the garbage that we cannot leave outside,” he told the Funke media group (Monday). Another postponement was also out of place for logistical and licensing reasons. For the police on duty, of course, hygiene concepts would have to be applied, emphasized the minister, who also tried to appease protesting opponents of nuclear energy: “Before it was the big question of whether one is for or against nuclear energy “. Today such a transport serves to “complete an atomic age, which fortunately for us is already near the end.”

More information

A sign warns of a Castor transport with the inscription

According to opponents of nuclear power, the ship launched in England with German nuclear waste should arrive no later than Saturday. (28.10.2020) more

Protest against the transport of nuclear waste © dpa Photo: Philipp Schulze

With this, the federal government rejects the request of the interior minister of Lower Saxony, Pistorius. Transportation is said to be necessary. (27.10.2020) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 11/01/2020 | 10:00 am

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