Now there are 7: Enigmatic monolith also appeared in Hessen | Regional


Sulzbach – Since November, the silver-colored pillars have appeared again and again in the world. Shiny metal objects known as monoliths have crashed to the ground. Nobody knows who is responsible. So far there have been no cases in Germany.

Now that has changed: a monolith has appeared on the Hessian Sulzbach (Main-Taunus-Kreis)!

The piece was suddenly in a field in front of the Main-Taunus-Zentrum trading temple. Walkers discovered the property over the weekend.

Is strong now “Hessenschau” at a crossroads in front of the countryside. Consequently, it is not known in the community where the monolith came from. Inside it must consist of a wooden structure.

Monolith sightings and their disappearance

There are many riddles online as to who may have installed the sloping stelae – some believe in aliens, others are science fiction fans. Some suspect an art campaign, others a publicity hoax.
