Good morning dear reader
Woke up after a short night, turned on the coffee machine, checked the cell phone, what’s new? The issue of corruption in the Union is taking mafia forms, in addition to parliamentarians, it is said that businessmen and a tax advisor are involved, yesterday there was the first arrest, and also the Gauweiler has raised dubious millions. The reformers of Mary 2.0 left the Catholic Church, they did not face the group of men. Hate preacher Attila Hildmann stormed Turkey.
Drink coffee, then continue: At the EU summit, heads of government were like children argued for hours about the vaccine. Starting Sunday, all arrivals at German airports must undergo a negative corona test, so we are finally doing what Asians have been doing for a year. The colleague from the newspaper “Bild” is allowed to return to his editor-in-chief’s bunk after the abuse of power. What other thing? Ah, a study: many citizens lack media knowledge, cannot distinguish between reports and comments, I think journalists are controlled by others and give accusations on Facebook the same confidence as reports on news sites, ugh.
Another sip of coffee, what’s in the email? Ah, so many beautiful messages from sunrise readers, how beautiful. Oh, the former chancellor has agreed, great. Aha, the current chancellor doesn’t want to give an interview right now, if she thinks so. What else is there? Subject line: “Your reports!” Whose is it? Open hours. Read. Support for. Keep reading. Frown. Keep reading. Shudder. Click away. I can’t look away. To open again. Read again. Think if this can be reproduced here. Decide that you can even reproduce it I have to. So that other people can also find out what is happening on the Internet, in this unlimited space of freedom that is used by so many people and so neglected by the police authorities: “Mr. Harms, you are the biggest and worst liar in society. He has never met. You have to have your eggs cut off, your head cut off. You are such a disgusting and corrupt creature, nature did not foresee such a thing. You will soon be beheaded. “
No more sips of coffee, instead it looses down your throat. It goes further: “It is good to have found your address, you disgusting creature. You will not be able to escape.” Click, next e-mail, another sender: “You are traitors, traitors to the people, traitors to generations, your disgusting herd is not even afraid of abusing the innocent, who cannot defend themselves, our children in this way, giving children the chance to go to school Guarantee. Lying press. Who will stop you. You are child murderers, social criminals. You have to be killed, eliminated. “
Words like cartridges. They come from nowhere, they can hit anyone and they leave their mark. And they often meet people who are in public: politicians, lawyers, celebrities, journalists. Lawyer Basay-Yildiz silk, Represented the victims of the neo-Nazi group NSU in court, has received death threats for years, had to change apartments, the perpetrator obtained his address from a police computer, is still not captured, just continues. The authorities have not covered themselves with glory during the persecution, And that’s just the most prominent of many, many cases.
Two and a half years ago My colleague Lars Wienand and I had the head of the Federal Criminal Police Office explain to us how you want to rigorously fight hate crimes on the internet. Münch demanded changes to the law after the murder of the local politician Walter Lübcke politicians finally woke up too. But then it all took a long, long time again. The Bundestag passed a law against hate speech on the Internet, but that The Federal Constitutional Court had concerns, the federal president did not want to sign it. Countless people were still exposed to attacks on email, Facebook, Twitter, and other digital battlefields every day, but received little attention. The colleagues of the “Deutschlandfunk” have the dispute about that Network enforcement law only Voted number one for forgotten topics in the media. Verbal cartridges continued to fly around the ears of those affected, but the state refused to help us. If you raised the issue with the state department of security, you might feel quite lonely.
Now everything should be different. After months of lockdown, the federal and state governments agreed on rules to combat hate crimes on the Internet. In cases of serious insults and death threats, email services and networks like Facebook are compromised with the Sender address details to the Federal Criminal Police, the Federal Police, the Customs Criminal Police or the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. It’s time to. This does not stop the agitation immediately, but some agitators can be held responsible. So that our society is protected from the disgusting. So that crime is prevented. And so that many people can go back to their coffee in the morning without flinching.
Insidious mutant
Anyone with five decades or more under their belt will have picked up on Merkel’s government statement yesterday. The chancellor warned against the mutant of the British Crown because it not only endangers the very old: “It will no longer be 90-year-olds who are in hospitals. They will be 50, 60 and 70 years old.” And now there is also a devilish one in India combination British and South African mutations have been discovered, which is even more contagious and possibly resistant to most vaccines. It’s a drama.
Therefore, the number of victims of the pandemic could change soon. As of now, nearly 90 percent of the dead over 69 years old, as my colleagues at Statista show. Tragic destinies hide behind sober figures. We must not forget that when we worry about rugged crisis management.
Clear announcement
The CDU’s lethargy sparked a remarkable debate: Influential Union politicians are now also calling for reform of the German system of government. “We have to limit the chancellery to two terms “, MP Carsten Linnemann lawsuit in the “Spiegel”. “In this way, the parties are forced to constantly renew themselves.” The new rule should also apply to ministerial posts and senior party officials, because “without renewal we get tired.” True words.
The Billion Question
The following sentences should be read, even if they sound complicated: The Minister of Agriculture really wanted Julia Kloeckner (CDU) already this week with three tickets national implementation of EU agricultural finance from 2023 through the cabinet. But because he does not deal with the Minister of the Environment Svenja Schulze (SPD) and the federal states have not yet found a unified position, the topic has been removed from the agenda. What sounds bulky is paramount for that Farmers: This is the future distribution of EU agricultural subsidies, only in Germany more than six billion euros. Until now, money has been linked to the area: if you have a lot, you will also get a lot, with fatal consequences for biodiversity and for small farms. Agricultural corporations are buying land on a large scale and collecting the dough from Brussels, family businesses are giving up. This is how entire peoples die, this is how our country changes. Mrs Klöckner doesn’t think that’s so bad and she doesn’t want to change much about it. Instead, environmental associations demand not to honor the earth with money, but to protect nature, climate and animals. Today, the agriculture ministers of the federal and state governments are putting their heads together to perhaps reach a common denominator after all.
Explosive files
Former financial supervisor Felix Hufeld “overlooked” the multi-billion wirecard fraud. (Source: imago images)
It’s an explosive question: Does the Treasury Department Wirecard Research Committee deliver additional files on such short notice that MPs were unable to see them in time? This accusation was made yesterdayadorned with accusations like “Sabotage” (for the Greens) and “Mockery “ (from the left). The designated finance secretaries immediately denied any malicious intent. and expressed his regret. But that more than 100 files only now, some six months after the request was transmitted, is he still suspicious. Especially today the former boss of Bafin. Felix hufeld and his former deputy Elisabeth roegele they are called as witnesses before the committee. Either way, it may be the case of the candidate for chancellor of the SPD Olaf Scholz I still feel uncomfortable: The finance minister will be interviewed in April.
Read what
While older people have mainly contracted Covid-19 so far, severe courses in children and adolescents are now on the rise. How can this be explained and what influence does it have on the course of the pandemic? My colleague Sandra Simonsen will explain.
So what are the rules of Easter? My colleagues Melanie Weiner and Sandra Simonsen will give you an overview.
Why is Germany doing so badly in the Crown crisis? Because a big mistake was made when acquiring the vaccine, says the medical historian Philipp East in conversation with my colleague Marc von Lüpke.
Turkish President Erdogan is becoming increasingly autocratic – and that has consequences in Germany, reports our columnist Lamya Kaddor.
It looks like a campaign of revenge against democracy: After losing power, American Republicans want to make it difficult for citizens to vote in future elections. To do this, they have introduced more than 250 laws in the states that restrict the right to vote and thus even have a chance of success. as our Washington correspondent Fabian Reinbold reports.
That amuses me
Princes like the ruling mayor of Berlin have their own crown strategy.
(Source: Mario Lars)
Please be more sensible. I wish you a good spring day. Tomorrow you will receive the podcast of the weekend from the cheerful Marc Krüger and me.
Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]
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