Now “side thinkers” talk about highway blockades


Are the “lateral thinkers” shut in now? At least the plan is talked about, with heavy vehicles Block traffic junctions. Just an arrogant ad?

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Baden-Württemberg is now observing “lateral thinking” and then perhaps it can also work on the traffic radio: activists have announced that heavy vehicles will be used to fill the hotspots. One group called the project a second “D-Day,” actually the day the Allies landed in Normandy during World War II. It must take place between December 20 and 30. However, not only is the exact date unclear, but also if the failures actually occur.

The security services take the issue seriously, but in the past the movement has mocked itself with full advertisements: the first major demonstration in Berlin on August 1 was called “The End of the Pandemic – Freedom Day “, the one that got out of control The November 7 demonstration in Leipzig was billed as the” second peaceful revolution “and” historic demonstrations “were mentioned several times.

The trajectory of the ball is not involved

Meanwhile, under the impression of the requirements and the more consistent action of the police, interest in the demonstrations is waning, if they are allowed to take place. Apparently around 50 of these rallies in Germany had been recorded by Stefan Brackmann from Dinslaken, the head of “Duisburg lateral thinking.”

Brackmann now controls the Telegram channels for “D-Day”, as he confirmed to t-online, and awaits the consequences: “I am not afraid that the police will come to me, I hope so, it will happen.” The founder of “lateral thinking”, Michael Ballweg, told t-online that he did not participate in the planning, but that he “supported peaceful demonstrations for the restoration of our basic rights.”

Brackmann had already recorded a demonstration on the A40 in November, which is one of the most polluted motorways in Germany in terms of traffic jams near Essen. Hitting the road was not really planned, he says: “The record was exaggerated. You have bargaining power with the assembly authorities, and it was also a marketing joke to get to the press, and that worked.”

“This is not a marketing joke”

He managed to do it again with this text. And the plan to supposedly wreak havoc on major traffic routes again could only be perfidious publicity. “Lateral thinkers” like Bodo Schiffmann also deliberately lie to get attention. Is that also the case for “D-Day”? The Federal Criminal Police Office is aware of the announcement, but it is difficult to evaluate it: “The BKA and its security partners are alert to possible risks in this context,” said a spokeswoman for t-online.

Brackmann says he will not dwell on the big ads: “I say clearly that this must be taken seriously.” It is not a marketing gimmick. “But we are not going to burn any piles of tires and we do not want violence.”

This is also emphasized in a video of D-Day Markus Lowien from Neustadt in Holstein. At the moment, Lowien is the face of “D-Day” because he has discussed the plans in various videos and reports about the planning group meeting. He calls his little info “D Day-Drop”, but he hardly gives specific information about the project. But he says that time is running out, “because vaccination will start soon.” Since politicians don’t listen, you have to use other means to make yourself heard.

Like Demonstration Applicant Brackmann, Lowien is in close contact with “lateral thinking” lawyer Markus Haintz. Lowien said he was partly responsible for Haintz’s safety. The provocative lawyer has been detained several times during the demonstrations and claims that “we are officially living under a dictatorship.”

His colleague Lowien had already declared in a video in early September that he was now in the resistance. Before the demonstration in Leipzig on November 7, he had declared in a video: “I no longer see that we are asking for permission, we are the people.”

The 2018 freeway blockade was a laughing stock

On Wednesday, however, Lowien reported on the channel “D-Day” with a call that casts doubt on the grand plan: a resistant person is sought for supra-regional coordination. The people in the planning group couldn’t do this. There are translations of the call into multiple languages, but no one found for a key role?

Locks could be the target and still be a blowjob. So it was on December 1, 2018. The “yellow vests” controlled by Reich citizens had also planned on Telegram to block the highways. Police arrived at the meeting points at the Kamener Kreuz from A1 and A2 and then escorted 45 participants in their cars to a parking lot in Unna, where they demonstrated on side streets. Some of the “yellow vests” have now joined the crown resistance, some have also rebranded themselves as “crown rebels”.

Protection of the Constitution: wide range of calls

Brackmann was among the participants in a lateral thinkers networking meeting with convicted Reich citizen Peter Fitzek, self-proclaimed “King Peter I.” Brackmann had left him prematurely and then publicly distanced himself. Brackmann does not want to be associated with the bankruptcy of 2018 and the millieu. He is not aware of any connection.

Now these are completely different target groups: “Just think how many carriers, merchants or cafeteria operators are facing bankruptcy.” He himself is also connected to the tour operator Alexander Ehrlich, who with “Honk for Hope” provided the buses for trips to numerous demonstrations. Ehrlich also extended the call to block.

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has recorded that calls are also shared through channels of lateral thinking, which “in some cases are far reaching.” However, it cannot currently be reliably assessed to what extent these calls for mobilization will be successful and whether extremists participate in such actions, the office told t-online.

Suspended police await allies

One of the “side thinkers” speakers, Police Chief Inspector Michael Fritsch, who was suspended due to various speeches, apparently believes that foreign aid. He was not an organizer, he explained in an interview with “lateral thinker” Lowien. I was in a circle where two events had taken place: the planning of “D-Day and the establishment of a” Police for Enlightenment eV “association.

The name “D-Day” hits the spot: Allied forces are “a very important factor” that could “contribute again to peace” in Germany. He is not sure “if the German population can do this on their own”. With this he joins QAnon supporters and Reich citizens who, along with Attila Hildmann, called on Trump, Putin and the embassies months ago to “liberate” Germany.

In the “lateral thinking” groups, however, there are also voices that have completely different concerns about blocking the traffic hubs: “Then we will hurt the economy.”
