Now official: Schleswig-Holstein decides to partially close | – news


Status: 01.11.2020 12:58 pm

As a result, public life will be largely shut down starting tomorrow. Contacts are drastically reduced, restaurants, cinemas and theaters have to close.

The new state ordinance to combat the spread of the corona virus has been officially adopted. As of Monday, contacts in public spaces should be limited to ten people from two households. Meetings with up to ten people are also allowed in the private room, but the group of people is not restricted. Close to restaurants, theaters, cinemas, animal parks and gyms. Tourists have to leave the country. The contact restriction also affects amateur sports. There the game operations are suspended. Professionals can no longer attend. Mask requirement is expanded. The state government of the CDU, Verdes and FDP today approved the ordinance with which the measures agreed between the federal and state governments are implemented one by one, according to their own statements.

Prime Minister thank you for your support

At the same time, Prime Minister Daniel Günther once again called on everyone to avoid contact. Any contact that does not take place in the next four weeks would help to be able to reopen many areas after four weeks. “I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all who support us on this difficult path, together we will create it,” said the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Daniel Günther © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Gregor Fischer

AUDIO: Günther “Together we will do it” (1 min)

More information

There is a protective mask on a desk in class.  © Picture Alliance Photo: Marijan Murat

The Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Education announced it on Saturday. The deciding factor is the incidence value. more

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photo montage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

Here you will find videos, information and general information about the Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus in Schleswig-Holstein. more

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NDR 1 Welle Nord | Schleswig-Holstein News | 11/01/2020 | 13:00 o’clock

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