Novak Djokovic causes another scandal at the US Open


As sad as it may sound for a player of his class, it is now almost normal for Novak Djokovic to make the negative headlines.

However, with his recent scandal at the US Open, the Serb has capped a series of dropouts. After annoyingly hit a ball backwards in the round of 16 against Pablo Carreño Busta and hit a linesman on the neck, he was disqualified from the US Open.

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According to a statement from the United States Tennis Association (USTA), Djokovic not only misses his chance for the title, but also all the world ranking points achieved in the tournament and the prize money.

The punishment is harsh: after all, the 33-year-old loses the mega opportunity of his 18th Grand Slam title, with which he leads leader Roger Federer (20 Grand Slam victories) and Rafael Nadal (19) could have reached it . It could have been Djokovic’s big moment. As the only player participating in the “Big Three” (Nadal, Federer, Djokovic) his chances for the title were almost never.

He was in the limelight more than ever and had the opportunity to write positive headlines with a confident attitude.

But the Djoker has defeated himself and thus expanded his list of mistakes.

Djokovic founds the players’ union

With his drive to found the new players union PTPA (Professional Tennis Players Association), he didn’t cause much excitement until August.

The organization, which supposedly does not see itself in competition with the ATP, wants to give the players more influence and decision-making power. Djokovic wants to act as president of the PTPA.

Critics complained, among other things, that the organization only represents men. “The world is currently in a difficult situation. I personally believe that we should go together in the same direction in these times,” competitor Nadal said on Twitter: “It is time for unity, not division.”

Djokovic receives criticism for Adria Tour

The much criticized Adria-Tour, which was co-organized by Djokovic, generated much discontent in the world due to the lack of hygiene measures against Corona, especially due to the positive tests of Corona carried out by Djokovic himself, his wife and other participants in the tournament series.

Djokovic, Alexander Zverev and company not only played in front of a surprisingly large number of spectators on the show’s tour, but they also surrounded themselves with fans and held parties. Djokovic could not understand the bad words against the event.

“Lately I have only seen criticism, very bad criticism,” the world number one told the Serbian sports daily. Sports magazine. And in the New York Times He said, “It’s like a witch hunt. How can you blame one person for everything?”

Djokovic surprises with theories of the crown

Djokovic had already caused a stir with strange theories in May. The tennis star philosophized about life with his friend and advisor Chervin Jafarieh in a live video on Instagram.

“I know some people who, through energetic transformations, through the power of prayer, through the power of gratitude, have transformed the most poisonous food, or perhaps the most poisonous water, into the water with the greatest healing power, because the water reacts. Scientists have shown that molecules in water react to our emotions, to what has been said, “said Djokovic.

Of course, the tennis ace quickly brushed off the fat. “In times of the coronavirus, when false stories and conspiracy theories come up, when bleach is legitimized, I think Novak really has to be careful. This has consequences, ”said renowned American tennis journalist Jon Wertheim.

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He was “very disappointed to see that. There is real responsibility as number one in the world. And part of that is respecting science and objective truth.”

Even when Djokovic spoke out against coronavirus vaccines, whether they should be mandatory to return to the tennis tour, he caused a stir.

“Personally, I am against vaccinations. I don’t want someone to force me to get vaccinated to travel,” the 17-time Grand Slam champion wrote on Facebook.

Father records against Federer

And as if Djokovic’s own mistakes weren’t enough, his father kept heating up. Srdjan Djokovic’s most popular victim is Roger Federer.

In an interview on the Serbian TV show Sportlight He told the Swiss who was still playing tennis at the age of almost 40: “Since Federer has felt Nadal and Novak’s hot breath on his neck, he just can’t accept being caught up with him.”

The father became even clearer: Federer only remains attached to his career because he feels “a lot of hostility” towards his son. He gave the 38-year-old some tough advice: “Come on, raise your kids, do something different, go skiing, do something! Tennis isn’t everything in life.”

In the Serbian newspaper News the Serbian had criticized the character of Federer: “Federer is an exceptional tennis player, but I could not say that of his humanity”.

Karma meets Djokovic

The fact that Djokovic has already wondered several times why he doesn’t get the popularity of a Rafael Nadal or even a Federer now seems strange. Interestingly, Djokovic had already defied his destiny four years ago.

At the 2016 ATP Finals, he created a scene similar to the one that now led to his disqualification at the US Open: Djokovic hit a ball against Dominic Thiem out of frustration in the stands. Later, a reporter asked him if such an action could cost him dearly at some point if the ball hit someone.

Djokovic’s response: “You are amazing. It could have been, sure. Or it could have snowed. It could have snowed today at the O2 Arena, but it hasn’t snowed.”

If you will, karma struck back impressively at the end, and Djokovic maneuvered further to the sidelines with his (unwanted) retirement.
