North Korea: New sign of life for Kim Jong-un? It is a firm: politics abroad


For the past two weeks, there has been speculation around the world whether North Korea’s rulers are hiding from the crown pandemic, are seriously ill or even dead. Now there is an “official” sign of life.

The North Korean government in Pyongyang has released a regulation signed by Kim Jong-un. The South Korean newspaper reports “Daily NKThis is said to be an instruction issued April 29 to the regional leaders of the Communist Workers’ Party of North Korea. Kim’s signature is said to show that he is back in the civil service.

According to the Daily NK, Kim Jong-un wrote to his provincial princes every Wednesday or Thursday. However, the April 29 document is said to be very different from the previous ones. Usually these letters contained at least seven or more instructions for their subordinates, but the current one contained only three. The Daily NK quotes its source in North Korea: “The April 9 letter, for example, contained 10 requests.”

 Kim Jong- a is watching a military exercise. This photo of the dictator was published on March 2 Photo: / AP Photo / dpa

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Kim Jong-un is watching a military exercise. This photo of the dictator was published on March 2.Photo: / AP Photo / dpa

The three orders of April 29 were also very general: it was said to be about the construction of a hospital in Pyongyang, an appeal to soldiers to mobilize their energies, and an appeal to agricultural workers to think about planting. Neither instruction follows a previous call or has resumed a topic discussed in the past, the newspaper writes.

An informant told the “Daily NK”: “Normally, no one is allowed to take Kim’s position and issue commands instead. Perhaps that is why the document is so different. If Kim has actually relinquished his role as leadership, different areas of government can now try to fill the gap. “

Live or no longer live?

One thing is certain: On April 11, the North Korean dictator was last seen at a party meeting in the capital.

The “Supreme Leader” has not acted since: not even on his grandfather Kim Il-sung’s 108th birthday (†, 1994) on April 15. And neither during the last missile test on April 21, a show in which it is always featured on state television.

South Korean news portal “Daily NK”, citing an informant in the neighboring country, reported that Kim had undergone heart surgery on April 12. Other media reported that the operation was unsuccessful and that Kim was dead, Kim is overweight and considered a heavy smoker.

South Korean Reunification Minister Kim Yeon Chul (55) recently said at a hearing in Seoul Parliament that, given the current situation in the crown, he does not consider it unusual that Kim has not been seen for a long time.
