Nord Stream 2: How Manuela Schwesig Is Pushing For Putin’s Kremlin – Politics Abroad


The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is THE project close to the heart of Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. And whenever there is criticism of the project in Germany, you can be sure of the support of a politician: Manuela Schwesig (46, SPD).

The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is an ardent supporter of the pipeline, which reaches German soil in her state and with which Putin raises billions of his gas.

Putin’s most ardent comrade is Schwesig!

In the Bundestag on Friday, Schwesig claimed that Nord Stream 2 was “not just a Russian project.” A week ago he even stated: “The Baltic Sea Pipeline is NOT a Russian project.” Incorrect! Nord Stream 2 AG, which operates the pipeline alone, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the state gas company Gazprom.

Putin’s second lobbying success on Friday: The heads of government of the eastern federal states of Germany agreed to a resolution in which “the completion of the Baltic Sea pipeline remains sensible and correct.” DESPITE the poison attack on Russian opponent Alexej Navalny (44).

Incorrect: that is the disabled version, in the original Schwesig draft it was said that the Navalny case “should not be misused for internal political tactics”, the threat of sanctions by the United States against the Russian pipeline should be “condemned and rejected in the strongest possible way by the federal government. ” “turn around.

THAT went too far even for the other five prime ministers from the East, the newspaper was deactivated.

Surprised? Not! Since the beginning of the pipeline project, the Kremlin around Schwesig and his predecessor Erwin Sellering (70, SPD) have created a dense network of lobbyists. The state benefits economically, the construction of the pipeline generates jobs and investments.

Immer wieder trifft Schwesig Gerhard Schröder (76), Präsident des Verwaltungsrats von Nord Stream 2Photo: REUTERS

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Schwesig meets repeatedly with Gerhard Schröder (76), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nord Stream 2Photo: REUTERS

Since 2002, Meck.-Pomm’s partner region has been the Leningrad region, in which Russia’s state gas giant Gazprom is headquartered. Since 2014, the state has celebrated “Russia Day” every two years, in which Russian politicians and oligarchs bluntly call on German companies to pressure politicians to dismantle sanctions against Putin’s regime.

Successfully! Manuela Schwesig is for the end of the punitive measures and against the new sanctions. Annexation of Crimea, war of Ukraine and poisoning of Navalny or not. In 2019, the state parliament in Schwerin, dominated by Schwesig’s SPD, launched a “German-Russian partnership agreement” between Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Russia, which has yet to be signed due to Corona.

Map: Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline through the Baltic Sea |  Infographics

Green Bundestag member Claudia Müller (39) of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania told BILD, “instead of acting in the interests of her own federal state,” Schwesig put herself at the service of a Russian company based in Switzerland. ” said Müller, who accused Schwesig during his speech that he “would harm our state”, that the prime minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania had revealed in her speech to the Bundestag “how little she believes in the implementation of the energy transition.”

As vehemently as Schwesig advocates expanding Nord Stream 2 without fully exploiting the possibilities of renewable energy, he is damaging “the economic development of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.”

That’s how far Nord Stream 2 is

The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is to carry gas from Russia through the Baltic Sea to Europe at a distance of 2,360 kilometers. 2,200 kilometers (97 percent) have already been completed. But it is not clear if the pipeline will ever be connected.

▶ ︎ First, the Russian state operator does not want to submit to EU regulations for third-country pipelines and is suing it.

▶ ︎ Second, due to US sanctions, specialized companies have withdrawn from construction.

It is unclear if Gazprom has the technical expertise to complete the project as planned. In theory, construction can continue from October 1, then the cod spawning season ends.
