No protection for the mouth and nose on the train: the train threatens those who reject the mask with the last resort


AOn Tuesday of the second week of Advent, a ticket inspection intensifies on ICE 881 from Hamburg to Hannover: The train attendant talks to a passenger who does not wear a mouth and nose cover, the 58-year-old man se He refuses to put on a mask and calls the train employee a “dominatrix”. “- He is apparently so tormented by the request to adhere to the applicable rules.

Only when the federal police are called will the man from Lüneburg be able to breathe fresh air. The next day, a 22-year-old girl in Gießen attacked a train employee because she had warned her of the mask requirement, on Thursday of the same week an unknown passenger on the 17007 regional express train between Offenburg and Freiburg pushed another passenger from his seat and insulted her. because it does not have a mouth and nose cover.

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Hardly a day goes by in these months without some kind of problem with those who reject the masks. There are only a few cases in view of the many millions of passengers who now adhere to the rule that you must protect yourself and others from infection with a cover for your mouth and nose. However, the federal police have been in constant use for weeks to verify the mask requirement.

According to his own information, he does not record how many insults were found in relation to the controls. But there are likely a few, as a look at reports from individual inspections across the country shows: On December 12, federal police in Duisburg caught two passengers with forged certificates that were supposed to exempt them from the requirement of the mask, and two days later a person spat at them. a train attendant in Stendal because she doesn’t want to wear a mask.

Those who reject the mask face permanent exclusion from transportation

It is true that the die-hard who reject the masks not only have to get off at the next train station, but are now also threatened with a fine in every federal state. But this cannot be enforced either by Deutsche Bahn (DB) or by the local federal police. Instead, personal data is recorded and sent to local health authorities.

A so-called permanent exclusion from the promotion could be more effective. Deutsche Bahn already has experience with this. In individual cases, such bans on getting on trains in the future have already been issued against football fans who had rioted on the way to a match.

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According to information from WELT AM SONNTAG, DB now also sees this possibility in the case of those who refuse to wear masks and who are repeatedly caught on trains without covering their mouth and nose. The group invokes paragraph 4, paragraph 2 of the Rail Traffic Regulations. It states that a transport exclusion “can be pronounced preventively in the event of imminent danger,” said a DB spokesman.

“Anyone who repeatedly refuses to wear a mouth and nose cap on public transportation without being able to make a credible exception is violating federal states’ crown protection regulations and therefore creates a risk of repetition for public safety and order. ” So far, one has. this preventive exclusion from transportation has not yet been imposed. “DB passengers and employees are also at risk from those who refuse to cover their mouths and noses,” argues the railroad spokesman.

200,000 train passengers found without masks

“For the recipient of an exclusion from transportation, this means that if he behaves conspicuously again, he will receive a criminal complaint for trespassing.” Of course, the railway cannot control whether those who are being excluded from transport really stick with it and no longer on the trains. climbing. But the legal risk if the repeat offender is caught is significantly higher.

Because then there is not only the threat of being expelled at the next train station and a fine, but also a procedure for a criminal offense. This can be punishable by a fine or even a prison term of up to one year. Repeat violators would not be noticed when boarding the train, but if they were not to wear a mask again, this will be noted as will the existing transportation ban during ticket inspection.

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According to the Federal Police, between September 12 and December 7 alone, almost 200,000 people were found in trains and stations without the mandatory covering of their mouths and noses. With millions of passengers a day, it is a relatively small number. In most cases, officers left him with a warning when passengers donned a mask.

The personal data of almost 3,700 passengers were registered and sent to the respective competent state authorities, which must now initiate administrative fines. During this time, 224 passengers had to be forced to disembark because they were irrational and did not want to wear a mask. In the event of a repeat offense, you would face permanent preventive exclusion from transportation.

In December, DB announced that it would once again intensify controls on trains, especially for passenger traffic. According to railway information, DB security personnel or federal police officers must verify compliance with the mask requirement on every second long-distance train.

You can read the full research at WELT AM SONNTAG. We will be happy to take them to your home periodically.

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