No evidence of electoral fraud: authorities reprimand Donald Trump


Donald Trump continues to feel that he has been treated unfairly: the president of the United States abides by his accusations of electoral fraud. Various authorities now vehemently contradicted him.

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In the dispute over the outcome of the US elections, the pressure on current President Donald Trump is mounting. On Thursday, multiple U.S. officials called the Nov. 3 election the safest vote in U.S. history, which was an open reprimand given Trump’s fraud allegations.

In addition, other American Republicans demanded that President-elect Joe Biden, like the incumbent, receive the daily reports from the secret services. Trump still refuses to acknowledge Biden’s election victory and poses as the victim of massive election fraud. Trump’s attorneys have filed lawsuits in several states but have provided no evidence of large-scale electoral fraud or errors.

“There is no evidence”

A statement issued by representatives of the cybersecurity agency of the Department of Homeland Security and the associations of state election officials now read: “There is no evidence that any voting system has removed or changed the votes, or that it has been compromised in any way. way”.

Trump had previously referred to claims on Twitter that Dominion software in various states attributed 435,000 of the votes cast by him to his ultimately victorious challenger. The authorities have now rejected this, as before the company and the electoral officials in the respective states. Trump had said several times during the election campaign that he could only lose the election if it was rigged.

Many Republicans continue to support Trump

So far, only a few of Trump’s Republicans have publicly recognized Democrat Biden as the winner of the election. Rather, party leaders such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are backing Trump’s attempts to challenge Biden’s victory.

Some US media have interpreted requests for Secret Service briefings for Biden as the first signs that support for Trump in his party is crumbling. Influential Senator Lindsey Graham replied in the affirmative Thursday when asked if Biden should receive the reports. According to the media, Senators Chuck Grassley, James Lankford and John Thune made similar statements. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine named Biden “President Elect” for the first time Thursday.

Obama seriously blames the Republicans

The Trump administration has so far denied Biden the legally required support for an orderly handover (“transition”). In reality, this is supposed to ensure that the newly elected president and commander-in-chief of the United States is fully capable of acting from day one in office, which is crucial to national security.

Meanwhile, former US President Barack Obama has made serious accusations against Republicans who continue to support Trump. What worries him more than Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations of election fraud is the fact that other politicians in his party are acting against their better judgment, Obama said in pre-released excerpts of an interview CBS News plans to air. in full on Sunday. “It is one more step to deny legitimacy not only to the new Biden government, but also to democracy as a whole. And that is a dangerous path.”

“Of course he thinks he still has a chance”

According to his spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany, Trump has not yet given up hope of staying in the White House. “Of course he thinks he still has a chance,” he said Thursday night (local time) on Fox News.

The vote count is still ongoing, but Biden has already secured 279 electorates that will vote for the future president on December 14 on behalf of the people. 270 of these voters are enough to win, Trump only has 217 behind him so far. The major television stations in the United States and the AP news agency agree that the races in the states of Georgia and North Carolina have not yet been decided, but the election has already been in favor of Biden.

Biden is said to have also won Arizona

According to other forecasts, Biden also won the elections in the traditionally Republican state of Arizona. After the AP news agency and Fox News television station declared him the winner in Arizona on election night last week, NBC News and CNN stations did the same on Thursday night (local time).

Eleven voters participated in the southwestern state of the United States. Arizona has long been considered a safe bastion for Republicans. Since the 1952 election year, Republican presidential candidates have almost always won there. The exception was the 1996 election year, when Democrat Bill Clinton won there.

Legal certainty prevails on January 6

Final certified election results from all states should not be available until December 8. The result of the vote will be announced in Congress on January 6, only then will there be legal certainty.

Reports continued in the US media that Trump was considering running in the 2024 presidential election. With such an announcement, he could indirectly admit defeat. In the United States, a person can serve as president for two terms, whether consecutive or not.
