No congratulations from Poland for Joe Biden yet


  • Tobias Utz

    sinceTobias Utz


Poland refuses to congratulate Joe Biden on winning the election. Therefore, diplomatic relations with the United States are threatened with a stress test.

  • Joe biden have the 2020 U.S. elections won.
  • Donald trump meanwhile give in and pave the way for one Transfer of power free.
  • But Poland I want the democrat Biden not yet for Electoral victory to congratulate.

Warsaw – Donald trump it has paved the way for an orderly transfer of power to Joe Biden, as president-elect of the United States. After weeks of not wanting to accept electoral defeat, Trump noted on Monday (November 23, 2020) that he Biden now don’t get in the way anymore. Regardless, Trump still denies losing the election. He is apparently even planning his return to the 2024 US election.

Donald Trump: Poland does not want to congratulate Joe Biden on his electoral victory

Many states now have Joe biden congratulated on the electoral victory – Poland however no. In Warsaw Until now, the government has strictly refused to accept the Democrats as future Presidents of United States recognize. Zbigniew Rau, Polish Foreign Minister, recently said that the political and legal situation in the United States will be expected and monitored further. This is reported by the “Reuters” news agency. Prime Minister Andrzej Duda congratulated Biden on a “successful election campaign”, but not on the election victory.

Donald Trump on a visit to Prime Minister Andrzej Duda in Poland. The country does not want to recognize Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 US elections.

© Jacek Turczyk / dpa

Rau pointed out that the meeting of American voters not until December 14, 2020. On this date they will gather for the formal freestyle of the President of the United States. Furthermore, legal disputes are still possible until January 20, 2021, as the inauguration is only completed at that time. Words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, not of Donald trumpas one might suppose.

Poland: Joe Biden’s election victory in the US will be a test of endurance

Not surprisingly, the Polish government has so far been reluctant to congratulate, especially when it comes to diplomatic relations. Below Triumph Management these always remained. The conservative national government of Poland saw in him an international partner. Triumph promised Doubt among other things, to increase the troops of the United States Army in Poland.

Mentioned in many campaign speeches. Joe bidenthat Donald trump support of autocrats around the world: how Doubt In Poland. The European Union had in Triumph nor a partner to denounce deficits in democracy or human rights in Poland. For example, the Polish government helped the Catholic Church divert attention from an abuse scandal. (Tobias Utz)

Rubriklistenbild: © Jacek Turczyk / dpa
