No blessing for gay couples: Catholic protest


With a clear “no”, the Vatican rejected the blessing of homosexual couples. For many believers in the Catholic Church, this decision meets horror and opposition.

The representation of the Catholic faithful in the diocese of Aachen has asked that the Vatican’s ban on the blessing of homosexual couples be ignored. The diocesan council asked Bishop Helmut on Friday to reject the ban. “God loves and blesses all people,” the Diocesan Council wrote in a statement.

“If people want to put their association, which is based on love and responsibility, under the blessing of God, the church cannot refuse to give it.” That is why the Diocesan Council resolutely opposes the prohibition of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. “We encourage all pastors of the Diocese of Aachen to publicly defend their practice of blessing. They have the full support of a large majority of Catholics for this “. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made clear Monday that the church was not authorized to bless gay couples. No form of blessing recognized by a homosexual couple is allowed.

The Diocesan Council of Catholics of the Archdiocese of Cologne also criticized the Vatican. “Last year, the church still blessed the bars around Cologne Cathedral, but says that the love of two people of the same sex cannot be blessed. That is not God’s promise to people as we understand them.” writes President Tim-O. Kurzbach in a statement.

Catholic Girl Scouts are stunned

The Catholic Girl Scouts of Germany also took note of the Vatican’s “no” to blessing gay couples with “dismay and bewilderment.” “We are clearly positioning ourselves against an attitude that calls homosexuality a sin,” the St. George Scouting Union (PSG) said in a statement released in Düsseldorf on Friday.

It rejects the conclusion that a couple can only be blessed if they fit the traditional Catholic image of marriage. “We stand behind all those who have experienced hostility through the advertisement or in other situations and we assure them of our support.” Anyone who asks for a blessing must also receive it.

Klöckner: “The Vatican seems to be in a different universe”

CDU policy Julia Klöckner also reacted to the Vatican’s decision with “a major misunderstanding.” “Italy is in Europe, but the Vatican seems to be in a different universe,” the theologian, who is a member of the Central Committee of German Catholics, told the German Press Agency on Thursday.

Julia Klöckner, Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection: According to Klöckner, the church is betting on the acceptance it has shown.  (Source: imago images / Political-Moments)Julia Klöckner, Federal Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection: According to Klöckner, the church is betting on the acceptance it has shown. (Source: Political-Moments / imago images)

Refusing couples the blessing just because they are gay is “so incomprehensible” and no longer has anything to do with people’s world. “It just ignores the needs,” said the Federal Minister of Agriculture. The church needs acceptance and relevance. “But with such statements this was played.”

As a member of the church, she is happy that there are people for whom God’s blessing still means something. “In my parish, herbs and horses have been blessed. Good. So, loving and professing couples who do not commit wrong, for whom the blessing means something, should not be excluded!”
