Night curfews in Germany: who has to stay home and when – an overview – politics


Discussions about easing the situation in recent weeks are clouded by the increasing number of infections. Additionally, the federal government’s decision to discontinue the Astrazeneca vaccine for everyone under the age of 60 is a major setback for the vaccination campaign. Instead of planned openings, crown measurements are now getting tougher in many places.

So the city-state moved on Wednesday Hamburg The emergency brake: Starting on Good Friday, the people of the Hanseatic city must stay home from 9 pm to 5 am, announced Mayor Peter Tschentscher. According to the Senate, exceptions apply to work-related travel or emergencies. “Physical activities” such as jogging in the immediate vicinity of one’s place of residence are still allowed as long as people are only traveling alone.

Grocery stores must also close at 9 pm Picking up food from restaurants at night is also prohibited, but delivery services can continue to operate normally. Tschentscher spoke of a “drastic measure”, which, sadly, is now inevitable. The last seven-day incidence in the city was 133.9, according to the Robert Koch Institute.

Even in the field Brandenburg There is again a night curfew during the Easter holidays, after which the population is not allowed to be outdoors between 10 p.m. and 5 p.m. Kenya’s cabinet made up of the SPD, the CDU and the Greens under Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) decided on Tuesday due to the newly rising number of corona infections.

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At the same time, Brandenburg is tightening restrictions: model projects to test vacancies are being suspended for the time being. In Bayern There is a night curfew in counties and cities with an incidence of seven days above 100, the list of counties that are affected is long.

Too Lower saxony he has opted for the instrument of night curfews. Therefore, residents of a municipality with a daily incidence of more than 150 can only leave their property between 9 pm and 5 am for valid reasons. The special regulation of the region Hannover, where the regulation is applied from 10 pm, is at the discretion of the authorities, as the country’s crisis team said on Tuesday.

In Baden-Württemberg, night-out restrictions are related to the number of infections. “Exit restrictions must be taken seriously into account no later than from a 7 day incidence of 150,” says the Ministry of Social Affairs, reports the Stuttgarter Zeitung. With this, the ministry makes an urgent call to urban and rural districts, but its implementation is its sole responsibility.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also links nighttime curfews with an incidence of more than 150 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in 7 days, but only if infections cannot be located.

General exit restrictions are established in Saxony if the incidence of more than 100 in seven days is exceeded in a district or city on three consecutive days. Apartments can only be vacated for good reason, but also for outdoor exercise.

[Lesen Sie auch: Warum FFP2-Masken vor einer Corona-Infektion bewahren können (T+)]

In Saxony-Anhalt, the incidence value must be 200 on five consecutive days. Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia leave it to municipalities to decide what stricter measures to take if the incidence exceeds 100. In Hesse, regional authorities may impose curfews in exceptional situations; They are mandatory from an incidence of 200.

Saarland Prime Minister considers curfews ineffective

Berlin, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia have so far not issued any curfew in their ordinances, the same applies to the Saarland. Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans had just announced in a conversation with ZDF on Monday that he did not consider curfews effective.

In Bremen, curfews have so far only been applied in Bremerhaven, where the last incidence in seven days was 266. The Mayor of Bremen, Andreas Bovenschulte, is critical of curfews: their effect is often overestimated, he told the newspaper “Die Welt”. The principle of proportionality requires that all milder measures to combat the pandemic be exhausted first. The curfew should be “the last resort”.

The chairman of the board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, does not believe in curfews. “Curfews or travel bans are not really effective. We should get rid of these harsh measures very quickly, “said Gassen of the” Rheinische Post. ” Behind the idea of ​​a curfew there is a “strange image of man.”

Over the weekend, Chancellor Angela Merkel emphatically reminded the federal states of the agreed emergency brake from the crown and indicated that the federal government could also intervene if the federal states for their part do not take the necessary measures.
