Next court allows demonstrations: hundreds in front of the Brandenburg Gate


Crown demonstrations in Berlin can take place. This has also now been confirmed by the Higher Administrative Court. Corona’s opponents arrived at the Brandenburg Gate on Friday. The police are ready with a large number.

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The controversial demonstration and rally against Corona’s policy may take place in Berlin on Saturday. The Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg confirmed in second instance early Saturday morning that the Berlin police ban will not last. Therefore, this decision is final.

Following its decision, the court announced that the meetings against the crown policy of the federal and state governments planned by various initiatives could take place on August 29, 2020. The Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg essentially confirmed two urgent decisions of the Court Berlin Administrative on August 28, 2020. “This means that the two assembly bans by the police chief in Berlin are temporarily suspended for this day.”

Organizers of the lateral thinking initiative 711 had called for the rally on Saturday and expected around 22,000 participants on Straße des 17. Juni, near the Brandenburg Gate. A longer demonstration was planned in advance through Berlin-Mitte. The authority of the police assembly had prohibited these important actions and several minor events.

Demonstration in front of the Brandenburg Gate: Appeals to Russia and the USA

On Friday night, 1,500 gathered in front of the Brandenburg Gate; most of them were not wearing face masks. In front of the Russian and US embassies, some demanded the signing of a “peace treaty”, a clear sign that they were supporters of the Reich Citizens Movement. Many of them believe that the Federal Republic is still an occupied country.

According to the police, the recorded demonstration was peaceful, but several calls had to be made to maintain a distance. Police had initially spoken of 120 participants in the early afternoon, but updated their estimate around 8:30 p.m.

The Berlin Administrative Court decided on Friday that the large rally against the Corona measures could take place on Saturday. He stated that there were no prerequisites for a ban. No imminent danger to public safety can be inferred from either the course of the August 1 demonstration or the critical attitude of the participants towards crown policy. The initiator of the rally, Michael Ballweg, has already described the decision of first instance, the Berlin Administrative Court, on Friday afternoon as a “complete success”. He stressed that the demonstration must be peaceful.

Police officers observe the rally: 3,000 officials in Berlin must ensure that crown rules are observed during the demonstration.  (Source: dpa / Christoph Soeder)Police officers observe the rally: 3,000 officials in Berlin must ensure that crown rules are observed during the demonstration. (Source: Christoph Soeder / dpa)

Berlin police are concerned

The Berlin police were concerned about the “open will to use violence” formulated on the Internet, as Vice President Marco Langner put it. There are also many calls from right-wing extremists to attend the meetings. 3,000 police officers should be available in the capital, 1,000 of them from other federal states and from the federal police, police authorities said Friday afternoon.

Berlin’s red-red-green Senate and the police had to receive wide criticism due to the ban order. Interior senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) also said about the ban on demonstrations that he did not want to accept that Berlin would once again become the scene of “Crown deniers, Reich citizens and right-wing extremists.”
