News: coronavirus, mutation, UK, vaccine, Halle, Emmanuel Macron


Admission day

the European Medicines Agency EMA It is very likely that today you will issue an opinion recommending the vaccine from the pharmaceutical companies Biontech and Pfizer for approval. The EU Commission must then give its formal approval.

The agency received pressure from many sectors, from European health politicians, for example, who have reason to be impatient: the British have already started vaccinations, the Americans too, and the day before yesterday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was filmed vaccinating .

At the same time, however, the authorities are expected to examine the risks carefully and in accordance with all scientific rules. the Political and scientific interests are not necessarily the same – This is not the first time this year.

But so far everything speaks for the fact that the Biontech / Pfizer vaccine with much less time than usual, but with as many resources as necessary. So common sense and insight speak in favor of getting vaccinated as soon as possible.

The arguments of the opponents of vaccination make no sense in general, some of them are even creepy, but not even listening to the opponents of vaccination would be wrong. Just as science has to take the time to weigh risks and side effects against the desired effect, public opinion can only be seriously formed when things have been viewed from all sides.

The mainland is sending the island into quarantine

EU citizens have been waiting for the day of an effective vaccine to be approved for months, but only a few hours before it is now highly likely to happen. first reports of a crown mutation one that is said to be up to 70 percent more contagious than the previously known form. According to the Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, it has not yet been tested in Germany, but in Great Britain. “out of control”as the local health minister is quoted.

It’s awful how quickly hope can cloud again these days, but there are still reasons for it. Until now it is said that A vaccine that will likely be approved soon will also help against this mutation..

Mutations are normal, but the much faster transferability of this variant is of concern. A few hours ago, at midnight, air traffic from Great Britain to Germany was suspended. France has also decided to ban travelers from Great Britain.

The mainland is sending the island into quarantine – a few days before the end of the transition phase, after which the Brexit finally completed will be. Historians of the future now have enough details of color for their description of the British-European drama.

Verdict against the murderers of Halle expected today

2020 was one of the great trials against right-wing extremist criminals. This morning the verdict in the trial against the 28-year-old will be announced Stephan balliet waited, never denied, higher Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur in the synagogue of Halle for wanting to have made a massacre.

He shot the wooden door, threw explosives, and when he could not enter the synagogue, he shot him dead in the street. a 40 year old woman and then murdered in a kebab shop a 20 year old man. The federal prosecutor’s office requires the maximum penalty.

While the verdict will be announced in the Naumburg Higher Regional Court, the trial of the alleged murderer of the Kassel district president Walter Lübcke will continue in the Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court. The allegations start tomorrow. The accused also Stephan ernst he is said to have acted for far-right motives.

If 2020 had been a normal year, the 75th anniversary of the end of the war on May 8 would have received more attention. But due to the pandemic, the commemoration almost never happened, a missed opportunity. Using the example of National Socialism on the devastation of Right wing racism and extremism Thinking is still necessary: ​​see Halle, see Kassel.

Birthdays and recovery

Today French President Emmanuel Macron celebrates his 43rd birthday. Proclaiming him »winner of the day« in our category would not be appropriate.

Macron is Thursday tested positive for coronavirus went into isolation, reports indicate that it is struggling with a more severe course. He turned to the Frenchman with a video message: “I have the same symptoms as yesterday: tiredness, headache, dry cough. Like hundreds of thousands of others of you. “A comprehensive message and for him quite unusual: being” one of you “has not been the usual attitude of the young president towards his people.

He started his office with the intention of ruling “like Jupiter” and otherwise often seems distant. France absolutely needs a president with broad support so as not to be a victim of demagogues. However, Macron has long since ceased to be popular, for political reasons, but also because of his tendency to arrogance.

Appearance will now give you sympathy – the best birthday present for a president.
