News: Coronavirus, G20 Summit, Angela Merkel, Olaf Scholz, Donald Trump, Republicans


Corona protests never end

Manifestations of opponents of the Crown measurements expected. Among other things, the protesters want to meet in Leipzig, Berlin and Hannover.

The one that keeps going up Number of infections accelerates the political debate on an extension and expansion of the existing partial blockade. One of the things under discussion is that the current measures should initially be extended until December 20.

Baden-Württemberg Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) is pushing for a speedy and mandatory admission Quarantäneverweigerern. “The stubborn quarantine breakers must be segregated,” Strobl told SPIEGEL. “It’s about protecting the general public from people who voluntarily accept that they will infect others with a life-threatening disease.” The Infection Protection Act provides a clear legal position: “I want us to take the law seriously and also enforce it. The state must not stand aside with a shrug. “

Merkel’s government spokesman, Steffen Seibert, complained that infection figures remain “Far, very high” be. “We have basically only taken the first step so far, namely to stop the strong, steep, exponential rise and stabilize,” says Seibert.

As is well known, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers want to discuss how things should continue next Wednesday. It should be noted above all about the measures with which Infection rates in adolescents and let the young adults come down. According to media reports, one idea is to limit face-to-face teaching in vocational and secondary schools. As before summer break, students would have to relearn more digitally from home.

If you want to know how things are going at the confidential exchange conferences between Merkel and the Prime Minister, I recommend reading the new SPIEGEL cover story. A team of editors took a look behind the scenes and discovered some interesting details.

G20 Summit advises on the consequences of the crown crisis

The fight against the coronavirus remains the main issue at the international level. Top 20 Economic nations The world, the so-called G20 countries, will be reporting on the pandemic this weekend via a video link.

Among other things, an EU initiative, the Debt relief for the poorest countries. Germany and other European countries are also campaigning for all leading economic nations to participate in the Financing a Fair Vaccine Distribution take part. They want to make sure that the so-called Covax initiative also gives people in the poorest countries quick access to new vaccines. “Germany and Europe have already committed considerable financial resources here,” said Finance Minister Olaf Scholz. “It is necessary for all the G20 countries to participate.”

The American president also often participates in G20 summits. But this time it was not clear for a long time whether incumbent Donald Trump would be included in the virtual meeting. A government representative announced his participation just the day before. Trump has barely attended public appointments for days. He prefers to play the insulted liver sausage. But now he evidently shook himself. After all, his friends from the Saudi royal family are the official hosts of the G20 summit.

What is Corona doing to the German economy?

More Large corporations in the Federal Republic they go according to their own valuation strongest of the crown crisis. As reported by SPIEGEL, this is demonstrated by a survey carried out by the German Society for Research in Management and the consulting firm Alvarez & Marsal among 143 senior executives of DAX corporations, large and medium-sized companies with high turnover.

Based on this, a clear majority of respondents stated that they had strengthened (38 percent) or maintained (40 percent) their market position during the pandemic. Only six percent are weakened in international competition, 16 percent were unable to pass judgment.

Especially the share of winners in the auto industry is low. About four out of five companies in the sector say they have been seriously affected by the consequences of the pandemic. Only 28 percent were able to improve their market position.

Almost all large German companies have changed significantly during the crisis. More than 90 percent of companies have it Digitization accelerates or plan to do so before the end of the year. More than half are preparing for additional mergers or acquisitions. But sadly, that’s also part of the truth: Around one in three companies admit it. Reduction of personnel and managers having reacted to the crisis.

Winner of the day …

… are the few members of the Republican Party in America who have the guts to stand up to current President Donald Trump. Senators Mitt Romney and Susan Collins Y Lisa murkowski They have been making clear for days what they think of Trump’s undemocratic behavior after the election: nothing. Now, finally, some other party officials also dare to make Trump understand that it is time to admit defeat.

The Republican Minister of the Interior of the state of Georgia proves to be a good democrat, Brad Raffensperger. He announced on Friday, after a recount of all votes, that Joe Biden and not Trump had won the state. As a Republican, he would have wanted a different result than the recount, according to Raffensperger. But: “The numbers reflect the will of the voters.”

Also the veteran senator Alejandro Lamar gave a jerk and asked Trump and his administration to finally begin the process of official handover of official duties, the so-called “Transition”. There are many indications that Biden will be the next president, Alexander said.

The senator’s advice is relevant and unlikely to please Trump: Alexander will soon be retiring. In Washington, however, he remains a leader for many Republican senators. This means that other friends at the party could soon follow suit.

The latest news of the night

The SPIEGEL + recommendations for today

I wish you a good weekend.

Your Roland Nelles
