News: Corona virus, vaccine, EU Home Secretary Joe Biden


Apparently first success with the vaccine

Is this the breakthrough in the search for a coronavirus vaccine? The New York Times reports a surprising development in Britain. Then i could Jenner Institute, Oxford University possibly providing several million doses of a new vaccine as early as September. This would put the British on the market much sooner than other research institutions. Until now, it is generally believed that the first safe vaccine will not be available before next year.

The researchers await urgent regulatory approval. You have to show that the substance effective and for humans tolerated en To this end, more tests will be carried out in the coming weeks.

According to the “Times” report, there are some Reason for optimism.. The vaccine was administered to six monkeys in an animal experiment in the United States last month. The monkeys were exposed to the virus. Even after 28 days, they still showed no symptoms of illness.

None of this means that the British vaccine really helps in the end. But the British are currently at the forefront of all vaccine projects with their ray research, writes the “Times”. That would finally be good news.

Spain and France plan to relax

The governments of France and Spain They want to present the first plans today to ease restrictions for their citizens. Big changes are not expected, but very small and careful openings. But that is something.

Both countries have been particularly affected by the crown crisis in recent weeks. To date, around 23,000 deaths have been reported in France and Spain. Now the case numbers are falling.

France becomes Prime Minister Edouard Philippe inform Parliament of government plans. He announced that it would cover health, school, work, business, transportation, and meetings. A mandatory mask is also being considered. President Emmanuel Macron He had already announced that the restrictions should be relaxed from May 11. Many French people can hardly wait. Even in rural regions with few illnesses, they have not been allowed out the door for weeks.

The Prime Minister wants in Spain Pedro Sánchez present government plans. Relaxation in individual regions is apparently expected to be delayed. For example, walking with peers from the same house and outdoor sports might be allowed.

How about vacation?

Despite relaxation in some countries, it currently seems inconceivable that Germans could go on vacation to neighboring European countries or even abroad this summer, as usual. Snorkeling in Mallorca, a walk in Florence, sailing in Brittany, that was once.

They want EU interior minister today through the video change about existing border controls and Entry restrictions in the Schengen area But you shouldn’t have too high expectations for the meeting.

Chancellor Heiko Maas (SPD), meanwhile, gives little hope for a normal summer vacation: “There are entry bans in many countries, there are curfews, air traffic is on the ground; unfortunately, there is currently no evidence that this improves in the coming weeks, “Maas said at ZDF. No one will be able to spend a vacation this year as he knows it. There would be restrictions everywhere.

This naturally affects the tourism industry a lot, as do many people who work in hotels and restaurants. Just for nature, for example in the Mediterranean, less tourism should be a good thing. She can certainly take a little vacation from us humans.

Loser of the day …

… is the Democrats’ nominated presidential candidate Joe Biden. As the entire world watches Donald Trump and the crown crisis, one story is boiling hotter and hotter and that could be uncomfortable for Biden. Biden has been around for a few weeks. Tara Reade, a former official of the US Senate. He was accused of sexually assaulting her in the early 1990s. Now a witness has spoken, confirming that Tara Reade reported him after the incident. This gives additional credibility to the story and does not improve things for Biden. Biden’s campaign team dismisses the allegations as false. The candidate himself is silent. You probably won’t be able to resist the game of hide and seek for long.

SPIEGEL + recommendations for today

I wish you a good start to the day.

Yours Roland Nelles
