News: Corona, Donald Trump, Jacinda Ardern, Joe Biden, Swetlana Tichanowskaja


What else can happen in two weeks?

There are only 15 days left until the US elections. Or better: In 15 days the US elections will be over. Because people are already voting almost all over the country, and people are participating in “early voting” at an absolute record. Due to the large number of votes by mail, it is very uncertain whether we will already know who won the election on the night of November 3-4. At the moment, Joe Biden is so clearly ahead of Donald Trump in the polls that even the president is already talking about losing the election, complaining that “worst candidate ever” I could win against him. He thrilled his fans during the election campaign, but found it difficult to formulate a message that would draw the undecided to his side. With dubious stories about an alleged laptop owned by Joe Biden’s son, Trump now wants to create an event reminiscent of hacked emails from Democrats in 2016, but so far only Trumps is interested in Hunter’s alleged, unverified emails. Biden. Base.

However, from the point of view of the Democrats, it would be a mistake to be sure of the outcome of the election. A lot can happen in two weeks. The high number of absentee votes also increases the uncertainty about whether all votes will be counted equally at the end. a much larger number of Democrats vote by letter. But absentee votes have always been declared invalid to a greater extent; that may suddenly play a role. At the end Of course, the surveys could also turn out extremely wrong.. Last time, contrary to legend, they were relatively accurate on the national level, but they were wrong on the electoral states. My colleague Alexander Sarovic explains it to you herewhat you need to know about the surveys and how it is different from four years ago.

At SPIEGEL, we put in place a great team to report before the election, report from the US in the weeks before and after November 3, and tell us what the mood is like among the local people. Eleven reporters are away from homeespecially in decisive states. Listen to our “Eight Billion” overseas podcast on the Republican panic in Northampton County, Pennsylvania:

Lax states are discovering the pandemic

With a certain Complacency Europeans looked to America in recent months: Donald Trump had led the country into endless crisis with his miserable management of pandemics. By contrast, the Europeans managed to keep the number of infected people reasonably low. It’s over. In Germany, the figures are still relatively low compared to neighboring countries, despite the recent increase.

In the rest of Europe, numbers are skyrocketing at an eerily fast rate. in Czech Republic, in the Netherlands, in France, recently also in Switzerland. Not all, but some of the countries that are now experiencing particularly rapid growth, have reacted laxly to the virus in recent months: in Switzerland, after the initial shutdown, large events were allowed again very quickly, and the public only It was sporadically.To see masks, even now the government is acting quite cautiously: for the first time a mask requirement is introduced in train stations or in supermarkets, but large celebrations are still allowed. For many European countries, the pandemic is just beginning. Many governments will face tough decisions in the days and weeks ahead.

In our cover story, you can read why Germany is threatened with a new shutdown and what can still prevent it. In China however, Corona is practically over, at least for the moment. Our Beijing correspondent Georg Fahrion describes here how his attitude towards life in China differs from that of Europe:

There is at least one country in which Corona has been defeated, at least for the moment: New Zealand, highly governed democratically. Jacinda ardern, the Prime Minister, won re-election at the weekend with a historic landslide victory: her Labor party won 49 percent of the vote. Ardern had already led the country through the crisis long after the Christchurch attack. When the crown pandemic began, it relied on a nationwide border blockade and closure, with success. Ardern is a exceptional political talent: accessible, modern, popular. He has become a global celebrity and icon of the left, and the election result is largely due to his personal popularity. But perhaps some European Social Democrats wonder if there is something to be learned from this politician who is a perfect fit for the zeitgeist. clear messages about climate and equality transported – and at the same time attracts half of society.

… are the Minsk protestersThat Sunday, tens of thousands again with their protest against the manipulated reelection of the president Alexander Lukashenko the streets of the capital were filled, despite massive threats, violence and arrests. Protests continue. They are still so large that the state cannot simply end them with repression. They are also not big enough for Lukashenko to fall over. But Perseverance and tranquility of the people it is impressive. I would like to recommend two texts from SPIEGEL colleagues: Timofey Neshitov accompanied 73-year-old great-grandmother Nina Baginskaja in Minsk, who has been protesting against Lukashenko for two decades and has become an icon for many young people in the country. And Katrin Kuntz describes how neighboring Lithuania became a place of refuge and a base for Belarusian opponents who had to flee into exile from their homeland. He also met with presidential candidate Svetlana Tichanovskaya.

The latest news of the night
