News about the coronavirus: RKI warns of corona waves, Baltic holidays allowed, Bavaria relaxes



  • The most important messages of the day:

  • According to the RKI, scientists believe a second wave of infection is very likely, some even expect a third wave
  • Bavaria is lifting the outflow restrictions for weeks related to the crown
  • Lower Saxony wants to be the first federal state to open restaurants and breweries starting Monday, other federal states want to continue
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania also wants to allow foreign visitors to the Baltic Sea in the week before Pentecost
  • Federal Health Minister Spahn defends his plans to provide evidence of immunity to the corona virus.
  • Since the start of the crown epidemic, around 166,000 people have been infected in Germany, more than 135,000 of whom have recovered and more than 6,900 have died after infection.
  • More than 250,000 people have died worldwide from a coronavirus infection, and the number of reported infections worldwide is more than 3.5 million.

The corona virus is still in control of the world. In Germany there are more than 166,000 people with the pathogen. Sars-CoV-2 infected, more than 6,900 infected people died from the consequences of Covid-19 lung disease. A Bonn research team even estimates that 1.8 million people with a crown are infected in Germany.

The federal states reduced some measures in the crown pandemic on Monday. Then the hairdressers were able to open again. Hundreds of thousands of students go to school, museums and zoos can receive visitors in many places, but under strict hygiene requirements. Lower Saxony is the first federal state to reopen restaurants and breweries next Monday. Other federal states have announced that they want to follow suit.

According to estimates by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of reproductions as of Tuesday was 0.71. More than 250,000 crown deaths were counted worldwide.

Coronavirus ticker: all developments at a glance

Interactive: virus crowns in Germany and around the worldInteractive: virus crowns in Germany and around the world Where did the virus break out, how many are already infected? Our interactive map shows the location of Corona, from China to Lower Saxony.

All current developments of the coronavirus pandemic in Germany and Europe in our news ticker:

Tuesday, May 5: Federal states compete for crown loosening: Bavaria removes exit restrictions

1:48 p.m.: The federal anti-discrimination agency has more than 100 reports. Corona virus related discrimination received. “Cases range from undisguised racist behavior in public to physical assault,” interim director Bernhard Franke said.

People with Asian appearance They reported that they had been attended in stores with a greater distance or that they had none. There were threatening emails and hate messages. Other citizens turned to the center against discrimination because children were not allowed to enter supermarkets. Such regulations would have presented single parents with serious problems. In supermarkets, there was no exception to the shopping cart requirement for people with walkers and other walking aids.

1:17 p.m .: Playgrounds in Hamburg You can open again. Health Senator Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks (SPD) announced Tuesday after a Senate meeting in Hamburg. Services are once again possible in Hamburg, and museums, monuments, zoos and botanical gardens will reopen, as Prüfer-Storcks announced. At first, she did not give an exact date.

12.10 p.m .: Bavaria is lifting the weeks related to the pandemic Exit restrictions – Certain contact restrictions and a ban on gathering people in public spaces are maintained. Starting this Wednesday, you are allowed to meet or visit a person outside your home and close family members. The cabinet in Munich decided as prime minister Markus Söder (CSU) subsequently announced.

In general, Bavaria wanted Relieving carry out gradually and carefully. One works with a “breathing model”, in which measures according to the number of infections must finally be decided. They also want to act at the regional level. The success of the Bavarian approach is visible, making it the right time for relaxation. “The Bavarian path was the right one,” said Söder.

After weeks of mandatory breaks, too Restaurants and Hotels Gradually reopen: exterior restaurant areas on May 18, interior restaurants on May 25, hotels on May 30. Starting next Monday, all stores will be able to reopen, including the largest ones. The above restriction to a maximum sales area of ​​800 square meters is no longer applicable, as announced by Söder.

The Schools Bavaria will gradually reopen for more and more harvests starting next Monday. Only after the Pentecost break in mid-June should there be face-to-face classes for all students and all ages. On May 11, it will initially continue with classes graduating next year, as well as with fourth graders from elementary schools. The first grades, the fifth grades of the middle schools and the fifth and sixth grades of the middle and high schools will follow on May 18. All the others will come after the Pentecost break.

School classes will continue in Hesse from May 18.

11:56 a.m. In Hesse Lessons will begin again on May 18 for many other students, including fourth graders. The rest of the primary students should return to schools on June 2, as announced by the Ministry of Culture on Tuesday at the request of the German Press Agency in Wiesbaden.

11.28 a.m .: RKI President Lothar Wieler said in Berlin on Tuesday that it could be multiple waves of infection It could be: “We know that there is almost certainly a second wave. Most scientists are certain of this and many also assume that there will be a third wave. “

In the past few days, only around 700 to 1,600 new cases of coronavirus have been reported to the RKI, as Wieler said. “The number of reported infections continues to decline. That is very good news.” The infection rate, the call Number of reproductionscurrently in progress 0.71 appreciated The number has been between 0.7 and 0.8 in recent days.

The number of daily reports Deaths It is still high, it is between 40 and 200, said the head of RKI. The proportion of deaths among confirmed cases has continuously increased in recent weeks and is now 4.2 percent.

Monday May 4: Masks sold in supermarkets: the EU promises a billion euros for the development of vaccines

10:39 pm:
Czech Republic He wants to loosen more crown restrictions from May 11 and allow train and bus entry again. “It will be possible to use buses and trains to cross the border,” Transport Minister Karel Havlicek said Monday on the online Twitter service. According to the government, all foreigners entering the country must present a negative virus test.

Museums, cinemas, shopping malls, beer gardens and hairdressing salons may also reopen next Monday. The Czech government also plans to limit the public events expand to a hundred people. Sports competitions with a hundred participants are allowed again.

The Czech Republic closed its borders in mid-March. The first Czechs were only allowed to return in mid-April, and then had to be quarantined for two weeks. The Czech Republic has also allowed business travelers from the EU to return to the country since the end of April. The EU country with 10.7 million inhabitants has more than 7,700 cases of infection with the new corona virus and 251 deaths.

The neighboring country of Slovakia plans to open shops and restaurants with outdoor tables starting Wednesday. Museums and galleries can also reopen. Prime Minister Igor Matovic also announced the readmission of services and wedding celebrations under strict conditions. Other group meetings are still prohibited. Kindergartens and schools are closed for now, according to Matovic.

9:13 p.m. In view of the low number of new corona infections, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania plans to start next week Pentecost Also foreigners again vacation in the Baltic Sea allow. This provides a step-by-step plan to restart the hotel industry in the Northeast, which representatives of the state government and the hotel industry agreed on in the joint tourism workforce on Monday night in Schwerin.

As prime minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) According to the deliberations, according to the plan, the restaurants in the country will initially be able to open to the premises from Saturday (May 9) under strict hygiene requirements, on May 18 also hotels, pensions and holiday apartments.

By May 25, the one that has been in place since mid-March should be Entry ban for tourists from other federal states. After the lost Easter holidays at Pentecost in late May in the Baltic Sea or in the Mecklenburg Lake District, this would be possible again for all German citizens. Also read:
Mallorca, Tenerife and company: is a vacation on the islands possible faster?

Donor conference for vaccine raises € 7.4 billion

6.43 p.m .: Participants in an international donor conference organized by the EU have on Monday 7.4 billion euros for a vaccine and the fight against the new coronavirus. “Today’s sprint was a great start to our marathon,” said EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. “Much more” will be needed in the coming months. The event did not meet the stated target of € 7.5 billion.

According to the EU Commission France with around 1,500 million euros in commitments and loan guarantees. The Brussels authorities themselves contributed a similar amount. Japan, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Saudi Arabia were also particularly generous. Pop icon Madonna also donated a million euros, von der Leyen said.

The money should go primarily to recognized global health organizations, such as international ones. Vaccine alliances Cepi and Gavi go. Of this, four billion euros will go towards developing a vaccine and treatment options will be expanded worldwide with two billion euros and testing capabilities with 1.5 billion euros.

6.42 p.m .: Hertha BSC has its professional Salomon Kalou after his internet video with explosive images of the suspended player’s cabin with immediate effect. “With the video from the booth, Salomon Kalou violated the fundamental rules of the team and displayed behavior that is inappropriate for the situation and does not conform to the club’s rules of conduct,” he said in a message from the Bundesliga club on Monday. at night.

With a Facebook video, the 34-year-old man had not only given unusual insights into the training processes at Hertha BSC, but also significant violations of the strict hygiene rules documented for the Bundesliga soccer team in the coronavirus crisis.

Thuringia presents the calendar for the reopening of the restoration.

6:01 p.m .: The state government Saxony-anhalt He wants to decide Tuesday whether restaurants, bars and cafes will be able to cater to guests again in May. Economy Minister Armin Willingmann (SPD) presents the cabinet with a plan for the gradual opening of restaurants. A spokesman for the Ministry of Economic Affairs said at the meeting that the prospects for tourism should also be discussed, without giving details.

Saxony-Anhalt had prohibited the opening of restaurants to the public in the fifth state ordinance to contain the corona virus, which had been in effect since Monday, but also a gradual opening of the May 22nd promised The state government specified that the number of new infections remains stable and that neighboring federal states adopt similar regulations. At the moment, restaurants can only offer food for delivery or collection.

5:31 p.m .: Thuringian economy minister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) has given for the first time a timetable for the reopening of the catering trade. He suggested starting May 13 with the departure of the total stop in Thuringia, Tiefensee said Monday in Erfurt, the German press agency. The minister had already announced a phased plan for the hotel industry last week. Lower Saxony is now moving forward with opening dates. In accordance with Tiefensee’s plans in Thuringia in may 13th first open campsites for caravans and motorhomes.

In a second stage of May 22nd The SPD politician announced that pubs, restaurants, cafes, inns, as well as hotels, guest houses, and vacation homes with restrictions on the number of guests and opening hours, as well as strict infection control requirements could follow immediately after Ascension. He wants to present the schedule to the cabinet in Erfurt for a decision on Tuesday of next week (May 12). … Read more
Loosening of the crown: what rule applies in what state

Unemployment in Austria at its highest point

5.11 p.m .: Unemployment in Austria It has reached a record high due to the Corona crisis. In April, 571,477 people registered as unemployed, the AMS employment agency said Monday. The unemployment rate is 12.8 percent. At the end of April, more than 210,000 more Austrians were out of work than at the same time last year.

That too Short term work increased significantly: AMS said 104,000 short-term job applications had been made for 1.2 million people. However, Labor Minister Christine Aschbacher was optimistic that the number of unemployed was already declining again. The highest point was in mid-April, the curve was already flat.

The coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on the Austrian economy as in all other countries in the world. The country was one of the first to announce strict restrictions in Europe, but now they are slowly relaxing again. By Monday, more than 15,000 Registered crown infection cases, 600 people died.

4:27 pm: The announcement that the protective masks will be sold at cost price has led to an avalanche of customers at the branches of the large retail chains. The discount Lidl He reported Monday that he had already sold “a large portion” of the 14 million disposable masks that were put on the market on Thursday. Regionally, disposable masks are still available at some branches. Competitor too Aldi Süd They reported empty shelves in some stores. Here you can discover where you can still get masks.

Ten infections crown in 36 clubs in the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga

3.38 p.m .: In the 36 clubs of the 1st and 2nd Bundesliga they are among the first Corona series tests ten infections has been found The German Football League (DFL) announced on Monday. A total of 1724 tests were carried out. Positive cases were reported to the respective health authorities.

Until now, only three positive results were known to the Bundesliga team 1. FC Cologne In the first tests last Thursday, in the second series of tests on Sunday, the FC only showed negative results. The DFL only announced the results of the first test. The German Football League (DFL) concept of security for playing without spectators is politically controversial. A decision could be made on Wednesday on the course of the Bundesliga season.

3:22 pm: Head of the EU Commission Ursula von der Leyen has promised a billion euros for the joint development and distribution of a corona vaccine, drugs and effective testing. With the announcement, von der Leyen opened an international donor conference on Monday. This should raise a total of € 7.5 billion. The goal is to accelerate the development of vaccines and drugs and then make them accessible to all humanity at affordable prices.

The head of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, at a press conference.
Photo: Etienne Ansotte / dpa

The international alliance will represent a turning point in the fight against the pandemic, because the global community is coming together here, von der Leyen said. EU Council President Charles Michel also supported the initiative called “Global response”. “The cost of doing nothing would be much higher, both in terms of human life and resources,” said Michel at the start of the donor conference. “These are dark days, but they are also days that clarify our humanity.”

2:57 p.m .: Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer He has again rejected exceptions for soccer professionals to restart the Bundesliga. The CSU politician has emphasized that there can be no “privileges” for Bundesliga players, spokesman Steve Alter said in Berlin on Monday. Seehofer still considers the concept of the German Football League to continue the game “as a very good base to relax in this area”. However, the federal government has not yet decided jointly with the states whether it “wants to apply this concept.”

Spahn defends immunity card proposal

2:11 p.m .: Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) defends his plans to provide proof of immunity to the corona virus as well. He was a little surprised by the debate, the CDU politician in Penzberg in Bavaria said Monday. “We also have it normally with other viral diseases.” You can go to the doctor at any time and the detection of antibodies against hepatitis and measles, for example, can also be entered on the vaccination card.

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) visited a pharmaceutical company on Monday.
Photo: Peter Kneffel / dpa

At the same time, Spahn made it clear that there should initially be no regulations to the extent that such immunity testing is an exception to day-to-day restrictions such as the Crown crisis could enable He asked the German Ethics Council for an opinion. The coalition had agreed not to make any legal provision on this issue until then. In addition to the opposition there was also recently SPD leader Saskia Esken skeptical about plans to test immunity.

1:32 pm: The Mittelstandsverbund ZGV requires customers to have a negative crown test before entering a business. “More effective virus control than testing, testing, testing is currently unthinkable. Therefore, greater determination would be advisable to be able to carry out and also perform millions of tests per day in the shortest possible time, “Ludwig Veltmann, Managing Director of ZGV told our editorial team.

Veltmann demanded that “all employees of a company or institution and their contact persons in the private and professional environment be examined regularly.” “The same should, of course, apply to customers. Only those who can show the results of the appropriate tests can enter the company. ”

Economic wing of the Union against the ‘scrapping premium’

1:19 p.m.: Before the car summit on Tuesday with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), the post Union Economic Wing clearly against any form of “scrapping bond”. “The result would only be a flash in the pan, which primarily triggers deadweight effects but does not trigger sustainable growth,” Wolfgang Steiger, Secretary General of the Economic Council, told our editorial team.

Steiger emphasized: “After the ‘Scrapping bond‘That it was used during the financial crisis in 2009 and was obviously inefficient to use a similar instrument again is not convenient. Discussion about this is counterproductive and leads to customer attention. ”

Leaders leaders also made similar comments SPDPolitician in a guest post for the news portal “”. In the text, the deputy heads of the SPD parliamentary group, Sören Bartol, Matthias Miersch and Achim Post explain: “A scrapping bond that promotes technologies of the last century will not solve the problems of tomorrow.”

At “Mobility Summit“This time, to be held by conference call, top federal government representatives want to advise car managers on how the hungry industry can be helped. Among other things, there are new purchase incentives at stake: after the 2009 financial crisis there was a “scrapping bond”.

To the production capacity for the new serological test. Elecsys Anti-Sars-CoV-2 Roche plans to expand its biochemical plants in Penzberg for around € 170 million. The company claims it received emergency approval from the FDA for the test. According to a spokesperson, this is valid for all countries that accept CE marking for products. That includes all the countries of the European Union.

The test reportedly has one 100 percent sensitivity and a specificity of 99.8 percent. The first indicates the percentage of those affected by whom the infection is actually recognized. The latter says how many healthy people are actually recognized as healthy by the test. Christoph Franz, Chairman of the Roche Board of Directors, spoke of a “completely new level of quality”.

12.14 p.m .: The number of people infected with a crown in Germany could be ten times higher than officially registered, which means that the death rate as a result of the virus is much lower than previously thought. That’s the core result of the call Heinsberg study a research team led by Bonn virologist Professor Hendrik Streeck, which was published on Monday.

11:54 a.m.: The Travel industry He expects to see sales of almost 11 billion euros in the Corona crisis. The president of the travel industry association, Norbert Fiebig, assumes that the business of travel agencies and tour operators “has almost stopped completely.” Two out of three companies have already been threatened by bankruptcy. “Politics can no longer sit idly by while travel agencies and tour operators lose their livelihood,” Fiebig warned.

That is how Your chances of a 2020 summer vacation in Germany are there.

Heinsberg study assumes 1.8 million crown people in Germany

10.44 a.m.: According to a study by researchers from the Bonn virologist, the number of people infected with a crown in Germany is Hendrik Streeck in an estimated at least 1.8 million people, that would be ten times more infected than previously reported by the Robert Koch Institute.

The call Heinsberg study it is based on data collected in Gangelt, which was particularly affected by the crown pandemic. The district is one of the oldest and strongest areas in Germany affected by the crown pandemic. In Gangelt it is also assumed that a large part of the infections occurred suddenly during a carnival session. This was not the case elsewhere, making estimates difficult for the whole of Germany.

Hendrik Streeck, director of the Virology Institute of the University Hospital in Bonn, during a press conference of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Photo: Federico Gambarini / dpa

The focus of the study was, therefore, the determination of the Mortality rate, the percentage of deaths among those infected. The study confirmed the previously published provisional result that 15 percent of Gangelt residents had an infection. The researchers used this to determine the death rate, which is 0.37 percent in Gangelt.

According to the researchers, the death rate can also be used to estimate how many people are infected with a crown elsewhere in Germany using the number of people who have died. Comparison of this number with the officially reported infected leads to the so-called dark figure.

La extrapolación para toda Alemania es por lo tanto alrededor 1,8 millones de infectados. “Con nuestros datos, ahora es posible por primera vez estimar muy bien cuántas personas han sido infectadas después de un brote”, dijo el líder del estudio Streeck. Además, se demostró que aparentemente cada quinta infección no presentaba síntomas de la enfermedad. Esto confirma la importancia de las normas de higiene y distancia.

10.30 a.m .: En este punto continúa con nuestro nuevo blog sobre la pandemia de coronavirus. Puedes leer nuestro viejo blog aquí.

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