New Year’s Eve without relaxation – SWR news


In Baden-Württemberg, the crown measures will be hardened again immediately after Christmas. The country wants to decide in mid-December whether the planned easing will be implemented over Christmas.

The green-black state government only wants to relax contact restrictions from December 23 to 27, a government spokesperson confirmed Monday. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) agreed on this with his cabinet colleagues.

The crown’s measures will tighten across the country in December. Then only meetings with a maximum of five people from two households are allowed. The rules are only relaxed during the Christmas period. Last week, the federal and state governments agreed to a maximum limit of ten people plus children up to 14 years for gatherings “in family or closest friends” from December 23 to January 1. This period was too long for Kretschmann. Therefore, the relaxation phase in this country is now much shorter. This means that only five people from two households can get together on New Year’s Eve, as they did in December.

The country wants relaxation to depend on the development of the pandemic

If the number of cases in Baden-Württemberg deteriorates drastically, the state government apparently wants to suspend the relaxation of contact restrictions during Christmas, which has been decided by the federal and state governments. “Whether such relief can be achieved critically depends on the further development of the pandemic and will be examined and decided in mid-December 2020,” the state government said.

Possibility of spending the night in a hotel during Christmas

As in other federal states, hotels in Baden-Württemberg can open during the Christmas period. This rule applies to travelers on a family visit and is limited to the period between December 23 and 27. The Baden-Württemberg hotel and restaurant association Dehoga welcomed the move. In most cases, you don’t have the profitability of opening operations for just a few days, said Fritz Engelhardt, director of the association. “Our main concern is to provide our guests who plan family visits during Christmas with clear and reliable information.” This planning basis would also be urgently needed for catering establishments.

Room keys hang in a hotel in Bavaria (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, picture alliance / Sven Hoppe / dpa)

Hotels in the country should be allowed to accept private guests again during the Christmas period.

dpa Bildfunk

images alliance / Sven Hoppe / dpa

Chancellor Merkel against hotel openings

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has criticized plans by individual countries to allow hotel stays for family visits during Christmas. At a virtual meeting of the CDU presidium, Merkel acknowledged the decision of the federal and state governments to relax the strict contact restrictions of the crown during the holidays, the participants reported. However, Merkel justified her criticism that it cannot be verified whether only guests stayed at hotels who visited relatives in the region. According to this information, the Chancellor referred to the corresponding regulations in large cities such as Berlin.

Baden-Württemberg sets stricter rules

The state government wants to announce new corona rules on Monday. According to the State Ministry, the new ordinance will take effect on Tuesday. Among other things, the new ordinance provides cities and municipalities with the opportunity to toughen the mask requirement in public. In addition to busy pedestrian areas, starting tomorrow, the mask requirement can also be performed on school routes, church routes, and in all public places where people are in confined spaces.

Montage of a schematic image of Corona family viruses with graphics from the SWR Akktuell Live blog about the coronavirus (Photo: Getty Images, Montage: SWR)

The coronavirus determines the daily life of people in the country. On the live blog we summarize the latest developments around the pandemic and restrictions.

Hotspot counties are threatened with curfews

Currently, the state government is working feverishly on a hotspot strategy for incidence values ​​of more than 200 new infections per 100,000 residents in one week. A draft of a corresponding decree from the Ministry of Health, led by environmentalists, provides for general exit restrictions in this case. Therefore, citizens can only leave their homes “if there are good reasons”, such as for work, school, sports, shopping or visits to the doctor. In public and in private, only one household should meet with another person, but a maximum of five people. Several districts in Baden-Württemberg are currently above the 200 mark; from Sunday afternoon, for example, the districts of Tuttlingen, Lörrach, Heilbronn, Mannheim and the district of Schwarzwald-Baar.

Planned curfews go too far for CDU

However, the CDU side is slowing down. He criticizes many unresolved points in the strategy of the Minister of Health, Manfred Lucha (Verdes) and has legal concerns regarding some formulations. The planned exit restrictions are also too general and extensive. Therefore, at the request of the CDU, the decree has not yet been approved, but must be discussed in the government’s Corona steering committee. Therefore, the meeting was brought forward to this Monday.
