New Years Eve Outing: Everybody Wants To Go Out, And Corona


“Stay home!” Asked the citizens of the state the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU). After the Christmas chaos, fear a new wave of hikers to Winterberg in the Sauerland. “Large crowds increase the risk of the pandemic spreading further.” Whether in your state, in the Harz Mountains, in the Ore Mountains, in the Eifel or in Upper Bavaria, many popular hiking destinations have reported miles of traffic jams, crowded parking spaces and hiking trails on the last days.

It’s mostly about sledding, walking and hiking, because ski lifts in Germany have been closed due to anti-pandemic measures. The rush leads to discussions about possible contagion risks. A virologist is now giving the go-ahead to winter sports, but imposing restrictions.

According to Munich virologist Oliver Keppler, exercising outdoors carries a very low risk of corona infection if the distance rules are observed. “There are studies according to which the probability of infection in closed rooms could be 19 times higher,” said the head of virology at the Max von Pettenkofer Institute at the University of Munich. “If you keep your distance outside and wear a nose and mouth cover, the risk is practically zero.”

Laschet: “We are ready to send more emergency services on short notice”

“People should also get out a bit and get some fresh air,” Keppler said of the debate. »In ski areas, problematic bottlenecks could occur on the lift and in the gondolas, even if you are wearing an FFP2 mask. But I think walking, sledding, and hiking are really low risks if you keep your distance from other families. “

However, that is important. Keppler considers it problematic “when families agree to take a walk with other families and get closer or even drive in a car.” The latter is “a known risk of infection,” said the scientist. “But as long as people move outdoors and in their own family bubble, I don’t see any danger.”

However, not all hikers are so sensible: On the weekend after Christmas, people in the Harz could not maintain the necessary distances even outside in particularly popular destinations, police reported. In Oberwiesenthal, on Sunday, 64 administrative proceedings were initiated for infractions for violations of the Protection Ordinance of the Saxon Crown.

The rush on Wednesday is great too: Winterberg has therefore reduced the number of parking spaces, extended the mask requirement to other urban areas, and strengthened police and law enforcement officers. The city closed the web cameras on the ski slopes to stop attracting more people and the gas stations closed their toilets to avoid queues. “We are ready to send more emergency services on short notice,” Laschet said Tuesday. Violations of the crown’s rules would be punished consistently.

Icon: The mirror
