Sydney celebrates with fireworks, but no spectators
With a great Fireworks over the famous Harbor Bridge and Opera House welcome the New Year in Sydney. It was midnight there at 2pm German time. This time, spectators were unable to enter the port due to the corona pandemic.. The authorities had previously announced that they would punish anyone who tried to break through the barriers in the port area with a fine of A $ 1,000 (about 626 euros). This apparently worked: Sydney was like a ghost town the closer the turn of the year approached, observers said.
The world famous fireworks show, one of the world’s first, was broadcast live on television. But it was smaller and, at seven minutes long, much shorter than usual. Normally the show in the port of the Australian metropolis draws every year more than a million people a.
The Prime Minister of New South Wales, Gladys Berejiklian, spoke on Thursday of an incoherent situation with a view to the corona pandemic. She urged the people of Sydney to Stay home and watch fireworks on TV with the rest of the world.
A crown outbreak in Sydney’s North Beach area occurs within two weeks more than 150 infected people grown up. The 250,000 people who live on the northern beaches are under strict lockdownto be reevaluated on Monday. A second cluster occurred Tuesday with a family in a western suburb and includes nine cases. The situation in Sydney caused other Australian states to re-close their borders to the people of New South Wales on Thursday. (dpa)