New variant of the coronavirus since November in Lower Saxony | – news


Status: December 28, 2020 9:09 pm

Britain’s new variant of coronavirus was first detected in Lower Saxony. The Hannover School of Medicine (MHH) was able to determine the B1.1.7 virus variant.

The Health Ministry announced this on Monday night in Hannover. These are samples from a very elderly Covid patient who has since died with previous illnesses and his wife. The samples were taken in November and examined in more detail by the MHH after the new variant appeared in Britain. A control of the samples at the Charité reference laboratory in Professor Christian Drosten in Berlin therefore confirmed that it was the B1.1.7 variant of the virus. The results were communicated between the Department of Virology of the MHH and the Charité on December 23 and have now been announced.

Did it pass through the daughter?

The new variant of the coronavirus is now responsible for much of the infections in southern England and, based on initial findings, may be particularly contagious. According to the ministry, the patient’s daughter was in England in mid-November and was probably infected there. The daughter and wife of the deceased have already recovered. According to the findings of the Hannover region health department, there were no further infections in connection with these cases.


Heiger Scholz, head of Corona Crisis Staff in Lower Saxony, in an interview.  © NDR

1 minute

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Scholz expresses his condolences

The head of the crisis team of the Lower Saxony state government, Heiger Scholz, expressed his condolences to the relatives. “My thoughts and condolences go to the relatives of the deceased, who were also infected with the virus and to whom I wish them great strength.” The emergence of the virus variant is another reason for everyone to adhere particularly strictly to applicable contact restrictions and hygiene measures, the Secretary of State for Health said. “As we do this, we leverage every variant of the virus to spread,” Scholz said.

The infected passenger is not affected by the new variant

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it is not surprising that the virus variant has also been detected in Germany. However, a passenger from Great Britain who tested positive at Hannover airport before Christmas was not infected with the new coronavirus B1.1.7 mutation. The Hannover region also announced this on Monday. Due to the new variant, the entry of 63 passengers from London was initially stopped on December 20.

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 12/29/2020 | 6:00 am.

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