Status: 11/15/2020 5:36 pm

In Belarus, thousands of people took to the streets again. This time he is also fueled by anger over the death of opposition member Bondarenko. The police acted brutally against the protesters: the masked men arrested hundreds.

In Minsk, thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the controversial Belarusian head of state Alexander Lukashenko. The protesters also expressed their anger at the death of opposition activist Roman Bondarenko, who died in unexplained circumstances following his arrest on Wednesday.

Subway stations closed, mobile internet cut off

According to media reports, the police used stun grenades, tear gas and water cannons against the protesters. He is also said to have fired rubber bullets at the demolitionists. Human rights group Wesna spoke of more than 640 arrests. Again the journalists were among them.

Video footage circulated by local media showed black-masked men chasing a group of protesters through the streets. To make the meeting more difficult, authorities closed around 15 subway stations and cut off the cellular network.

Has Bondarenko been abused?

Thousands of people protested in Minsk on Friday after Bondarenko’s death became known. They formed human chains and placed flowers in memory of the 31-year-old. Bondarenko died of severe brain damage at the hospital, according to official information. Supporters of the protest movement accused the security forces of ill-treating him during his detention.

Opposition leader Svetlana Tichanowskaya called for a silent memorial service for the man on Friday. The protester was killed “because he wanted to live in a free country,” said Tichanovskaya, who lives in exile in Lithuania.

NDR Info reported on this issue on November 15, 2020 at 2 pm

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