New protest in capital: police break up Corona meeting in Berlin


Even one day after the big protests against the existing Corona measures, thousands of protesters are back on the streets of Berlin. Police cleared an event at the Victory Column. Meanwhile, the SPD wants to examine plans for a security zone around the Reichstag.

Following the demonstration and Saturday’s rally of tens of thousands of people against the crown’s policy, many opponents of the measures met again in Berlin. A demonstration with around 2,500 people was recorded at the Brandenburg Gate, as a police spokesman said. At first he spoke of several hundred people there. Before that, the police broke up a gathering of around 2000 people at the Victory Column. Then people flowed towards the Brandenburg Gate, as the police spokesman said.

According to the police, people were previously too close together at the Victory Column and did not keep their distance. Among other things, there were layoffs. This meeting is not a registered meeting. Meanwhile, some rallies were recorded in the Mauerpark in Berlin.

On Saturday, tens of thousands of people gathered in the capital to protest against state requirements for the crown. The lateral thinking initiative called for a mass rally and demonstration. On the sidelines, there had been attacks by Reich citizens and right-wing extremists against police officers. A larger crowd, including once again supporters of such radical groups, had advanced through the police barriers onto the Reichstag steps.

Steinmeier meets with the police officers involved in the operation

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and other politicians have strongly condemned the scenes on the steps of the Reichstag building. “The Reich flags and the far-right mob in front of the German Bundestag are an unbearable attack on the heart of our democracy. We will never accept it,” Steinmeier said. Tomorrow she wants to meet with the officials involved in the operation at her official residence at Bellevue Palace. Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble told dpa: “After these scenes, the last person should have understood that there are also limits to decency, how far you can take who runs with you. The responsibility not to allow extremists they instrumentalize it in their protest, nobody can evade “.

The manager of the SPD parliamentary group, Carsten Schneider, announced: “Tomorrow I will request a special meeting of the council of elders to review the plans to establish a safety zone and ensure that they are implemented quickly.” The President of the Bundestag, Schäuble, must discuss the concept of security with the Berlin Senate. If necessary, the federal government must secure the Bundestag itself.

The initiator of the big rally, Michael Ballweg of the Stuttgart lateral thinking initiative, distanced himself from the rioters at noon. “They have nothing to do with our movement.” Lateral thinking is a peaceful and democratic movement, violence has no place there.
