New CSU Initiative: Little Enthusiasm for Combustion Engine Bonus


The CSU is again pushing for a purchase premium for combustion engine cars, but the Chancellor disagrees. Coalition partner SPD is locking in, too, but wants to help the industry in another way.

The CSU has again spoken in favor of a purchase bond not only for electric cars. “You really need a CO2 bonus,” said CSU chief Markus Söder. A sign is needed that the car purchase will be rewarded if you replace a vehicle with a poorer CO2 balance with a new one. Therefore, the CSU regional group is asking for a document to put the issue back on the grand coalition’s agenda in the coming weeks.

“A purchase voucher for clean-burning engines shouldn’t be taboo, but it can build a bridge on the path to new competitiveness and job preservation,” it says in a draft. Söder also announced a new automotive summit for the federal states. Not only the heads of government of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony should meet again, but also representatives of other countries.

According to Söder, several sectors need help

The Bavarian Prime Minister blamed the two SPD leaders, Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borjans, but not Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, for the failure of the idea of ​​a purchase bond. The SPD presidents had argued “ideologically.” Both the automotive sector, mechanical engineering and the aerospace industry need more help in light of the fall of the Corona crisis. Cars aren’t everything, says Söder. But there is more to the industry than you think.

But Chancellor Angela Merkel also opposes a car bond: “I personally believe that our economic stimulus plan is already complete, that we have decided on the appropriate measures,” Merkel said. The reduction of VAT included in the package also reduces the price of cars with internal combustion engines – “in this sense, I do not see the need for additional measures”.

SPD for structural aids

The SPD is also against a purchase premium for combustion engines. But she wants to help the industry in other ways. “We want a future pact for the car that assumes the responsibility of all those involved,” said the draft resolution for the meeting of the parliamentary group. The impending breakdowns in the industry must be cushioned as much as possible. Suppliers can receive help through regional investment funds, and structural aid for the regions would also be a possibility, according to the SPD: “An example of this is the help to strengthen the structures of the regions affected by the carbon phase-out. “says the newspaper.
