New crown regulation in Thuringia: this applies from 2 November


In Thuringia, stricter rules will take effect on Monday to contain the spread of the coronavirus. Only up to ten people from a maximum of two households can meet in public. Restaurants, pubs and bars have to close. However, you can still offer food and drinks to go. Most of the cultural and leisure facilities are also expected to close for a month. Schools, kindergartens and other educational offerings, including libraries, music, and adult education centers, remain open. You can also continue shopping.

The following facilities must be closed until November 30:

  • Cinemas, theaters, operas, concert halls
  • Museums, except for free educational offers
  • Swimming pools and amusement pools, except for school sports, training and competitions for elite athletes and medically necessary offerings
  • Fitness studies, except for rehabilitation and medically necessary preventive care
  • Saunas
  • Amusement parks
  • Game rooms
  • Brothels

People in Thuringia have to forego private travel: overnight stays are only allowed for business travelers or for trips that are necessary for medical or business reasons. Tourists in Thuringia must finish their vacation before November 5. Day trips should also be avoided if possible. Zoos and animal parks can still receive visitors, but only in the outdoor areas. Unlike the initial plans, not only hair salons, but also cosmetic and foot care studios can remain open if hygiene concepts are met.

Individual sport without physical contact is still allowed

Individual sport is also allowed without physical contact, alone, as a couple or with members of your own household. Possible sports include cycling, horse riding, track and field, tennis, golf, and shooting sports. There are also exceptions to the contact restrictions: more than ten people from a maximum of two households can participate in funerals and civil marriages. However, the applicable city and district rules for private gatherings and celebrations must be observed.

Health Minister Heike Werner (Linke) spoke on Saturday night of a show of force that must contain the rapid spread of the corona virus. For the first time, a regulation of the Thuringian crown contains a parliamentary reservation. This allows the state parliament, which will hold a special session on Tuesday, to make changes to the rules. The ordinance, which is in effect from Saturday, will initially go into effect without restrictions despite this reservation.
