New Corona mutation: New York variant worries scientists


Status: 02.03.2021 02:21 am

A new variant of the coronavirus is spreading in New York. Scientists are concerned but, like authorities, warn against panic.

From Antje Passenheim,
ARD-Studio New York

Mayor Bill de Blasio is clearly trying to stay calm. Understand anyone who is concerned, as news of a variant of the corona virus circulates in New York. De Blasio doesn’t judge anyone who feels uncomfortable about it.

Antje Passenheim

But the mayor also warns: “As long as it has not been proven that the vaccine sera are ineffective against this variant, we should not fear the worst.”

Little is known about the new variant.

For example, which is comparable to the South African mutation, how quickly it went through many means. The fact is that there is still little clarity on this variant, which scientists have dubbed B.1.526. The only certainty is that they exist, says epidemiologist Wafaa El-Sadr of Columbia University. ARD-Studio New York.

It seems that we have a variant that predominates in New York. But what that exactly means, we have to find out first.

Researchers first noticed the mutated virus last November. Since then it has spread rapidly, also in the regions north of the metropolis. Sadr is investigating the new discovery with – as director of the University’s Epidemiological Institute. The mutation appears on the surface of the virus, in what is known as a jagged protein, with which it attaches itself to cells in the body. Such changes in the so-called spike protein basically make everyone nervous at first, El-Sadr says.

These changes may mean that the spike protein can establish itself better. Or that the virus can multiply faster. Or that the antibodies in our vaccines can’t fight it.

Health Commission warns of panic

However, so far none of this has been proven. There are no studies yet ready for publication, explains El-Sadr. “And even if in the laboratory it appears that the variant makes the vaccine ineffective, that does not mean that this is also the case in real life.”

A report from Columbia University said: The mutated virus has been spreading at an alarming rate since December. Meanwhile, its share of detected infections is almost 13 percent. In a few weeks, virus researchers want to know more about the New York variant. While there is much speculation, warns the head of the health commission Dave Chokshi.

If it is spreading faster. If it makes you sick worse. Or if it reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine, we don’t have evidence for that yet.

And as long as no one becomes panic prematurely.
