New committee of experts: looking for ideas for agriculture


Roundtable instead of tractor demonstration: After an eternal dispute over the course in agriculture, farmers, environmentalists, trade and science today begin to work together to find solutions. Expectations are high and there is not much time.

By Claudia Plaß, ARD capital studio

Thousands of farmers demonstrated in recent months against the requirements of environmental and climate protection and for greater recognition of their work. On the other hand, protectionists of the environment, animals and consumers complain about problems with the protection of insects or groundwater and criticize the conditions for raising pigs, livestock and poultry. There has been a lot of controversy about agriculture in Germany for years, also between the responsible departments of the federal government: the CDU-led Ministry of Agriculture led by Julia Klöckner and the SPD-led Ministry of the Environment led by Svenja Schulze.

Now a commission of experts is supposed to reach consensus. Today the new “Commission for Agriculture of the Future” is meeting for its initial meeting. Around 30 representatives from agriculture, trade, consumer and environmental protection and science, among others, come together to find new answers to the ongoing conflict over the direction of agriculture.

High goals

Chancellor Angela Merkel had proposed the body at an agricultural summit last year in light of protests from farmers. In July, the federal cabinet decided to create the commission. The corresponding decision states: The Commission must develop solutions that are “economically, ecologically and socially viable and socially acceptable.”

Klöckner is still lazy

The Chancellor will also be present at today’s meeting, as will the two ministers Klöckner and Schulze. CDU politician Klöckner formulated the goals in a more general way: it is about a common understanding of “how we can achieve more biodiversity, protection of the climate and the environment, more profitability, security of performance and more animal welfare together In the end, it is about the protection of resources and economic efficiency as two sides “to see a medal.”

Schulze wants a social contract

According to SPD politician Schulze, farmers’ protests in recent months show the importance of dialogue between agriculture and environmental protection. Like the coal commission, it also wants to reach a social consensus on agriculture. Schulze talks about it ARD capital study a kind of social contract: “Farmers get additional financial support to produce high-quality food, but at the same time we expect them to protect the environment, groundwater, soil. And that has to come together.”

The Commission’s list of topics is long and thematically broad: the committee wishes to advise on fertilization, water and plant protection, the balance of power in the food chain, the requirements for animal husbandry and the role of consumers.

The Farmers Association wants to “look at the facts”

The Association of German Farmers is one of the members of the commission. There is no comparison made with the coal commission; However, expectations are high: Secretary General Bernhard Krüsken talks to you ARD capital study From the escalation and polarization in the agriculture debate: “The Commission of the Future must take this debate to a factual orientation. We have to look at the facts a bit, so to speak.”

Olaf Bandt, president of the environmental organization BUND and also a member of the commission, is optimistic. He is confident in the future prospects of agriculture, in harmony with nature and animal welfare, and with a secure existence for farms. “If you want farmers to grow sustainably and produce quality products, then that should be better paid for. That would be a key solution step in this commission.”

Skepticism among the Greens

The opposition is less optimistic. The skepticism comes from the Greens: the challenges facing agriculture are drastic. Among other things, it is now about maintaining rural structures and regionalizing agricultural production. The PDF requires that the Commission take into account uniform standards for animal welfare and arable agriculture across the EU.

Much to do, but little time

There is not much time to gather the sometimes contradictory ideas and expectations: early next year, the Commission for the Future of Agriculture is due to present its first proposals. Environment Minister Schulze speaks of an ambitious program, but is also confident here: the coal commission also had discussions with representatives of many different interests in a short period of time. She hopes to get quick first results. Ultimately, according to the minister, important decisions must be made: also at the European level, it is currently about sustainable agriculture.

Will the current federal government implement the proposals of the Agriculture for the Future Commission? BUND chief Bandt is skeptical of next fall’s general election. But he also sees an opportunity. The outlook for agriculture is a key issue going forward that can also be decided in a federal election.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the final report should be available next summer. The implementation of the recommendations should be the task of a new federal government.
