New catalog of fines April 2020: up to 100 euros penalty and one point for parking on the bike path – politics


Motorists must be more considerate of cyclists and pedestrians: this is how the objective of the new traffic regulations can be summarized. An amendment to the Road Traffic Regulation (StVO) will take effect on Tuesday, April 28.

Car sharing and electric cars should also benefit from this. On the other hand, anyone who drives too fast, uses an escape lane without permission, or hinders others must be prepared for harsher punishments. And a certain violation is also more expensive for cyclists.

Tagesspiegel is committed to a “Radmesser” data journalism project for a more cycle-friendly transportation infrastructure. For example, the data team checks to see if drivers maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters when overtaking cyclists.]

Rescue alley, car-only overtaking ban: additional new rules:

  • Signs may indicate an overtaking prohibition in the future that only cars and other multi-lane vehicles are prohibited from overtaking.
  • Illegal use of an emergency lane is now punished in exactly the same way as no emergency lane for emergency vehicles. There are fines between 200 and 320 euros, a month of driving ban and two points.

Stricter rules for sliders:

  • In urban areas, from now on, 21 kilometers per hour are more than allowed, in addition to a fine of 80 euros and one point, to collect a month’s driving ban. Outside the city it is 26 km / h, unlike before, the driver’s license can be lost for a month for the first time. Until now it was 31 km / h in the city and 41 km / h abroad.
  • Driving too fast is also becoming more expensive. In towns and cities, possible fines are doubled to the 20 km / h mark. Up to 10 km / h too fast now threaten 30 euros in urban areas, up to 15 km / h 50 euros and up to 20 km / h 70 euros. Everything stays as it is. Outside of locations, it now costs 20, 40 and 60 euros.

Higher fines for those who park illegally

  • Parking on trails and bike trails now costs 55 instead of 20 euros. If someone is hindered or in danger, it becomes significantly more expensive, up to 100 euros, and contributes one point.
  • Parking and stopping in the second row was previously punished with 20 euros, now there are 55. With disabilities, danger or even property damage, it becomes more expensive: up to 110 euros, here is also a point.
  • Parking in a parking lot for the seriously disabled will be punished in the future with 55 euros, previously it was 35 euros.
  • Fines for unauthorized parking in confined or confined spaces will be increased from 15 to 35 euros if others are hampered by up to 55 euros (instead of 35).
  • Parking in the detention ban is also becoming more expensive: instead of up to 15 euros, up to 25 euros is now incurred, with other people with disabilities and more than an hour can be up to 50 euros, instead of 35 as before.
  • General parking violations, for example, if the parking meter expires or the parking disc is missing, will be punished with at least 20 instead of the previous 10 euros, and can cost up to 40 (instead of 30) euros depending on the duration . In general, non-compliance with the detention ban can be punished with 20 instead of 10 euros, disabilities with 35 instead of 15.

Additional increases in fines

  • Anyone who takes the right-of-way when turning or doesn’t let it pass should expect 40 euros instead of the previous 20. If someone is in danger, the possible fine is doubled from 70 to 140 euros, plus there is now a month of driving ban as well.
  • Not paying attention when going up and down can also be more expensive: 40 instead of 20 euros is possible, with property damage 50 instead of 25 euros.
  • The improper use of sidewalks, bike lanes on the left side or shoulder or traffic islands by vehicles is punished with 55 euros instead of up to 10 euros; depending on the severity of the case, it can also be 100 euros instead of 25 as before.
  • “Auto-pose” means when you drive back and forth unnecessarily and annoy people with noise and exhaust fumes. The fine for this increases from up to 20 euros to 100 euros.
  • It becomes more expensive for cyclists to walk on the sidewalk without a permit: there are 25 instead of 15 euros, with a risk of 35 instead of 25.
  • Entry bans for certain weight classes and vehicle types or for all vehicles, that is, the white board on a red background, can be twice as expensive: 40 instead of 20 or 50 instead of 25 euros.

    [Moreaboutthesubject:[MehrzumThema:[Mássobreeltema:[MehrzumThema:StVO amendment brings additional road signs – dThese new signs are on the way]

What else changes:

  • The green arrow at traffic lights now also applies to cyclists in a cycle path or cycle path. A separate green arrow is also possible, which only applies to cyclists.
  • In addition to bicycle paths, complete bicycle zones are allowed where a maximum speed of 30 kilometers per hour applies and bicycle traffic must not be endangered or obstructed.
  • The new symbol allows privileged parking of shared vehicles. Unauthorized parking can cost 55 euros. A new badge on the windshield can mark such carpools.
  • A new symbol may indicate parking spaces and cargo areas for cargo bicycles.
  • It also clarifies that separate parking spaces for electric motor vehicles can be marked with a symbol in the lane. Unauthorized parking can cost 55 euros. (dpa)
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